

How Humidity Affects Skin And Tips To Deal With It?

How Humidity Affects Skin And Tips To Deal With It?

In this article, we will discuss how humidity affects the skin and how to deal with it. Have you ever noticed a change in the appearance of your skin after traveling to a new location? Another possibility is at the start of a new season. The main reason for this is because humidity levels are constantly changing. Humidity may have a major effect on the appearance and health of your hair, as well as the health of your skin. Because of high humidity, sweat ducts are forced to shut, and when your g …
12th Jul 2022
Surprising Foods & Drinks That Can Harm Your Teeth

Surprising Foods & Drinks That Can Harm Your Teeth

Whenever we eat anything, it is more likely to be seen stuck in our teeth. The reason for that is quite simple that we remain very careless while eating anything. The stuck food in the teeth can do a whole lot of damage to your teeth.  As per many dental experts, various foods and beverages cause various diseases in teeth like plaque. These can be highly hazardous that can damage the teeth. For those who do not know about plaque, it is a film with sticky bacteria, and once they remain stuck betw …
12th Jul 2022
Exercise: What's In It for You?

Exercise: What's In It for You?

Swimming, running, jogging, strolling, dancing, and various other physical activities that require the use of the body are all recommended. We are all aware of the exercises, and some of us may even engage in them daily. However, there are a significant number of individuals who do not take them seriously. Exercise may be defined as the process of making certain motions to strengthen muscles. While participating in different activities, the individual may quickly burn many calories and maintain …
12th Jul 2022
How to Have Your Best Skin in Your 40's, 50's, and 60's ?

How to Have Your Best Skin in Your 40's, 50's, and 60's ?

With the growing age, your skin keeps on changing and getting weaker. Various normal skincare routine programs aren’t going to work for growing age skin. If you’ve been unaware about the same and keep following the same skincare program as last year or decade, now is the time to bring in some new things and additions.  The anti-aging skincare routine is not about just simple tips and tricks. You might not be seeing any adverse effects now but consider them coming way early than you’ve presumed. …
12th Jul 2022
Can Green Tea Help Treat Acne? How To Use It

Can Green Tea Help Treat Acne? How To Use It

Catechins, which are plant-based chemicals, are found in green tea. Catechins are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds that have been discovered. When evaluating the possible health benefits of green tea, researchers usually seek these specific components. Epigallocatechin gallate is one of the catechin compounds found in green tea (EGCG). EGCG has potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects that may be useful in preventing and treating acne, among oth …
12th Jul 2022
How much caffeine is too much?

How much caffeine is too much?

This blog briefly explains caffeine, the overconsumption of caffeine, side effects of over intake, the correct information of caffeine, and the tips to reduce gluttony of caffeine. What is Caffeine? Caffeine is a drug that enables your brain and nervous system. It forms a very prominent part of people’s day and their diet plans as well. It is supposed to be a drug because the effects of caffeine can change the way you act and feel. And like others, you can also get addicted to caffeine and have …
12th Jul 2022
Can Eye Yoga Improve Your Headaches and Eyesight?

Can Eye Yoga Improve Your Headaches and Eyesight?

Yoga eye exercises are also known as Yogic eye exercises. These are the movements related to the eyes that claim to provide strength to the muscles of the eye and saves from a lot of eye diseases and eyesight problems. It has been observed that the people who prefer to do eye yoga a lot often have the most healthy and problem-free eyesight. The yoga exercises can help in improving eye vision, treat dryness or itchiness in the eye, and reduce headaches as well.  This doesn’t mean that eye yoga ca …
12th Jul 2022
Whey vs. Soy: Which Protein Is Right for You?

Whey vs. Soy: Which Protein Is Right for You?

For body fitness and goals, protein powders have always been the prominent choice for multiple reasons. The protein powders are the concentrated sources of animal and plant proteins. In our day-to-day life, we can’t get all the necessary vitamins and minerals via food resources because every food has specific nutrients and we can’t eat all sorts of food in one go. Hence, the body lacks certain additional minerals that the food can’t offer. That’s where protein powders come into the picture. They …
12th Jul 2022
How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month

How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month

It can be quite challenging to lose weight and achieve the weight loss goals in your life. Although, there are some measured processes and steps that can be simply lead to weight loss irrespective of how much weight can you lose. Making a few important and small modifications to your diet plan and livelihood, the weight loss process can be fully simplified. Taking one step at a time and stick to the right plan is the secret of a successful weight loss plan.  People are struggling when it comes t …
12th Jul 2022
Can you get the Vitamins and Adaptogens you need from Gummies?

Can you get the Vitamins and Adaptogens you need from Gummies?

What do experts say? Gummy vitamins are basically like candies that taste really good and sweet and easy to consume. Gummy makers claim that it is as beneficial as the vitamins we get from food and has the same potency.  While some doctors claim that it actually provides an equal amount of vitamins and is even better to digest because they are jelly-like easy to chew. Because gummy vitamins dissolve in your mouth and they’re like liquid and absorption of gummy vitamins is better than other sourc …
12th Jul 2022

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