
Can you get the Vitamins and Adaptogens you need from Gummies?

Can you get the Vitamins and Adaptogens you need from Gummies?

What do experts say?

Gummy vitamins are basically like candies that taste really good and sweet and easy to consume. Gummy makers claim that it is as beneficial as the vitamins we get from food and has the same potency.

 While some doctors claim that it actually provides an equal amount of vitamins and is even better to digest because they are jelly-like easy to chew. Because gummy vitamins dissolve in your mouth and they’re like liquid and absorption of gummy vitamins is better than other sources of vitamins.

 To answer the question if gummies can provide you with vitamins and adaptogens, experts say yes it provides you the vitamin and adaptogens you need.  

What we get from the research?

 While some researched based doctors claim that it is still not possible to consume a healthy dose of vitamins from the gummy candies so far. The reason behind the criticism of gummy vitamins is even if it is easy to digest and absorb but many time gummy vitamins do not contain what they label on the ingredients list. Not all gummy vitamins are created equally. Gummy vitamins do not contain the same nutritional content as a regular vitamin. You need more than the gummy vitamins in order to stay healthy.

Some dentist claims that you should never take vitamin C in the form of gummy vitamins because it is made up of ascorbic acid which is very hard for our teeth. Most of the experts speak that we should intake vitamins and other nutrition minerals through the food source instead of getting it from the gummy candies.

 It's obvious that one would prefer sugar-coated jelly candy to eat spinach but if you rely on vitamins, you should be more careful. You should not eat more than enough and have a maximum of 3 tablets of gummy candies in a day.  

Pros of Gummy Vitamins

  • Gummy vitamins are tasty delicious and easy to consume instead of consuming vitamins through food sources.
  • Gummy candies cost less than the vitamins which we take from the food sources.
  • It is very easy to chew, digest, and absorb instead of digesting the foods. Some people suffer from gas or any other stomach problems they can easily digest vitamins in gummy form.
  • You do not need hard foods like spinach, peanut, meat to intake vitamins if you consume gummy vitamins.
  • The consumer may eat gummy vitamins anytime anywhere you do not need to cook anything in order to take gummy vitamins. You can take it anywhere and can consume it if you need vitamin intake.

Cons of the gummy vitamins

  • The first bad side of the gummy vitamins is it is highly addictive for the kids as it is sweet and jelly-like. Kids want to eat it again and again which may cause danger.
  • Some vitamins are fat-soluble kind like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K. these vitamins quickly reach a toxic level because they absorb in the body fat.
  • Too much in taking vitamin A gummies can destroy your liver and which may cause some serious stomach problems.
  • Having vitamin C as gummies destroy your teeth because it is made up of ascorbic acid which is basically as strong as stomach acid.
  • As gummy candies are made up of sugar so they can increase the sugar level of your body.
  • You may have teeth problems because bacteria living in teeth feed on sugar and when you consume gummy vitamins the bacteria get stronger and destroys your teeth.
  • Mostly the amount of ingredients differs from the actual ingredients because they spray sugar and vitamins in powder form after it is fully made in order to prevent it from decaying and make it delicious and sweet.

How gummy vitamins are made?

  • So let’s know about the process of making the gummy vitamins. In order to make gummy vitamins, we need to have raw ingredients in a specific amount. Some raw ingredients may be in liquid form and some ingredients are in liquid form.
  • Now, these ingredients are mixed with water at a normal temperature. This mixture includes magnesium, calcium, and other minerals. On the other box, we have to prepare the gelatine base which is a homogeneous colloidal solution that provides candy with a jelly-like structure.
  • After making the jelly, now you have to create scientists pour sugar and gelatine mixture in the container. Now technician adds water, glucose, and some amounts of sugar to be blended into the tank.
  • After that, this gummy vitamin base is transferred to a bigger tank. After this process, this gummy base is tested in the lab to check the bacteria and metals. The scientists inject the solution into a test tube. Now it is ready to be tested.
  • For heavy metal testing, the solution is poured into a hot airless chamber. In the hot airless chamber, the flames turn the metals into atoms. Which can easily be recognized by machines because they appear in different colours. After removing the heavy metal, the solution is taken for the next step.
  • In the next step, the solution is flavoured and colored. And the technicians spray more vitamins in powder form on the upper surface of the gummy candy as a layer. The main reason behind this practice is that due to air pressure and moisturizer the vitamins from candy gets mixed with air to prevent this the layering of vitamins in powder form is performed. It increases the efficiency and potency of the gummy candy.

A little bit criticism about Gummy vitamins:

Gummy vitamins are sweet delicious and easy to digest. Kids are more attracted to gummy vitamins as they’re as same as other candies. This may result seriously.

  • A 14 years old boy ate 150 gummy vitamins as breakfast thinking it is just a gummy candy. Neither he nor his mother knew the difference between the gummy vitamins and gummy candies. He ate 30-40 gummy vitamins daily thinking it was a gummy candy.
  • After some time, his stomach swelled up and starts aching. His mother thought that he is consuming too much food. The day he ate 150 gummy vitamins he could not stop urinating and suffered from a heavy stomach cache. He felt and broke his arm. His mother took him into the hospital and in the hospital while waiting in the waiting room he lost consciousness and went into a coma.
  • When his body was analysed, the doctor found that he has fluid in his stomach and having a high amount of calcium in his blood. But actually, no calcium was present in the gummy candies. The test results showed that there were no vitamins that he was consuming.

Actually, what happened was that the vitamins he was consuming dissolved in the liver and destroyed the liver due to excess vitamins. And this prevents the absorption of calcium. He suffered till his liver flushes out all the vitamins automatically. The moral is that we should not consume more than enough candies even if it is addicting.


So, after knowing almost everything about gummy vitamins and according to the experts and doctors we advise you to take your vitamins through vitamin-rich food. Consuming gummy vitamins may result in dental problems, urine problems, bones injuries.

 But if you are unable to digest hard foods you may go for gummy vitamins. While taking gummy vitamins as vitamin supplements you have to make sure that you are not eating gummy vitamins more than enough. So, the answer to the question that Can you get the vitamins and adaptogens you need from gummies? The answer is yes but you should be very careful while in taking gummy vitamins as they are highly vitamin-rich candies.

12th Jul 2022

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