
How to Have Your Best Skin in Your 40's, 50's, and 60's ?

How to Have Your Best Skin in Your 40's, 50's, and 60's ?

With the growing age, your skin keeps on changing and getting weaker. Various normal skincare routine programs aren’t going to work for growing age skin. If you’ve been unaware about the same and keep following the same skincare program as last year or decade, now is the time to bring in some new things and additions. 

The anti-aging skincare routine is not about just simple tips and tricks. You might not be seeing any adverse effects now but consider them coming way early than you’ve presumed. What you need is much more than simple beauty or anti-aging hack.

The priority is the health of the skin along with good looks. In this article, we are going to walk you through some advanced skincare routine that provides the perfect healthy skin with keeping beauty in check. 

Let’s start exploring the skincare program for multiple age groups. 

1. For Those Belonging to Age Group 20's

This is one of the perfect age groups to start focusing on your skincare routine. In your 20s it's much easier to make your skin healthier than the rest and it completely depends on your habits only. In simple words, if you take the necessary small steps now and form a good beauty foundation, it is more likely to keep you away from the health problem for a long time ahead. 

The subcutaneous layer in the skin of the 20s makes it look plump. The rate of skin cells creation is very fast and the glow is also maintained. Thanks to the sebaceous glands in the body. But as the age keeps on growing, various problems keep coming up like pimples, blackheads, oil problems, and a lot of others. We all need to keep fighting them later and it will be much better if we start taking the measures is beginning to avoid further problems. 

Key tips for skincare for people of age group 20's:

Here are some of the useful tips to follow to make sure your skin health and glow retains for longer age: 

  1. Avoid tanning as it is very harmful to the skin. Direct exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can prematurely age skin. On a larger damage scale, they can cause skin cancer. Some people keep on referring to safe tanning but there is no such thing. Tan is harmful, period. 
  1. Pimples are becoming an unavoidable problem? Try an acne treatment program with anti-acne products for minor pimples. But, if the problem increases, consulting a doctor is a much-preferred choice. Nowadays, a lot of medication is available for the pimple problem and it seems effective as well. 
  1. Keep cleansing your face very often, especially before going to bed. All-day makeup, oil, sweat can clog the pores on the face skin and take away its brightness. Use a cleanser and water to wash the face and make sure to not miss this. Wipe with a facial cleansing cloth for good effects. 
  1. Add sunscreen to your skincare regime. You might be thinking that it doesn’t contribute to beauty but it is one product that can save your exposed areas of skin. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the skin. 
  1. Use hydroxy acids and lactic acids products to keep the skin smooth and soft along with maintaining the brightness. The facial masks are highly advised due to the presence of these acid products. Use them once a week with a gentle soft cloth for best results. 

2. For Those Belonging to Age Group 40's

This is the exact age where the person starts observing various skin problem symptoms and starts taking the skincare routine seriously. Earlier at a young age, the skin was self-repairing and doesn’t require an extensive amount of care. But, now in the 40s, the skin gets weakened and the person starts observing the signs of weak skin now and then. But, even if you haven’t taken skin health seriously till now, it’s not too late. There is still a lot more than you can try. 

Skin tone dullness is one common problem of this age. It might be looking laxer than ever before. It is nothing but the damage caused by Sun at an early age. Hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone are the clear signals and the sebaceous glands will be producing less oil than ever before. 

In addition to the above problems, Sebaceous hyperplasia is another skin disease caused at this age. The symptoms are the small bumps on the forehead of skin color. They come in large numbers and are harmless but the face looks clumsy. In this disease, the sebaceous glands get overgrown and thus cause bumps to appear in various parts of the body's skin. Although, these can be treated easily with the usage of medicinal products with a doctor’s advice. 

Key tips for skin care for people of age group the 40's:

Reached your 40's? Here are some of the usual suggestions to keep your skin healthy and minimize the speed of aging: 

  1. Don’t leave dry skin. Instead, keep using the right amount of moisturizer and non-drying toner to ensure hydration in the skin.
  1. Serum is very helpful for anti-aging. Make sure to add the anti-aging serum to your daily skincare routine. The vitamin C and antioxidants avoid getting dark complexions. 
  1. Keep checking for milia in the eye area. These are caused due to heavy usage of eye creams and are white bumps. If you have these, prefer using noncomedogenic brand products. 
  1. Consult your nearby dermatologist and get chemical resurfacing done for the boost in the skin. These are a simple series of treatments that helps in reducing hyperpigmentation, pores, fine lines and provide smooth skin with a bright complexion. 
  1. The oil glands won’t be working that better at this age. In addition, the epidermis will also be thinning out and that’s why the skin must be drier. To avoid this, choose moisturizers with hyaluronic acid and regain the lost moisture in the skin along with bringing back its beauty. 

3. For Those Belonging to Age Group 50's

This is the age when skincare products don’t suit your skin much. They start opposing the body skin and hence cause a lot of skin problems. The hormonal changes in women are responsible for various skin problems in women. Hence, the best approach is the complete change of the skincare program. 

The dryness in the skin increases and it remains dehydrated very often. The increasing roughness in the body also causes wrinkles. In women, the increase in facial hair on the face and around the sideburns, and is the cause of the increasing age. They can remove the extra hairs with threading and waxing but it’s not permanent. A laser hair removal treatment is a much permanent solution from a dermatologist. Keep checking for actinic keratoses whose symptoms are rough patches and scaly patches. If this occurs, you must get it treated by the physician.  

Key tips for skin care for people of age group the 50's:

Explore some of the effective tips to keep your skincare routine in check for the people of age group the 50's:

  1. Check if the cleanser is making your skin drier. If yes, then make sure to change the same at the earliest. Instead, go for a non-soap or non-foaming cleansing wash or lotion. We need to avoid foam-based cleansers and the mentioned products are best suited in this scenario. 
  1. Keep observing your skin on monthly basis. Skin cancer is a very common problem these days and regular observation can save it from spreading. Check for moles or sough patches on the skin. Sometimes sores and scaly patches are also present. These don’t get cured on their own and even new bumps keep coming along with them. In such a case, consult your physician. 
  1. High fragrance perfumes are everyone’s choice. But these can cause enough damage to your skin. Check if you have been using them and any sort of irritation is occurring on the skin? If yes, switch to the low fragrance or fragrance-free products and observe the changes. 
  1. Ageing is very common for this age group. Using common anti-aging solutions isn’t going to work now. You need something advanced like Prescription Retinoids as they are a highly effective anti-aging solution. But, it must be used with some gaps in the beginning and make them part of your routine at a slow pace. These are highly beneficial in avoiding dark spots, wrinkles, unevenness, etc. 
  1. Night cream works for people in this age group also. Do not let your skin suffer and choose a thick night cream for effective results. Along with this try to use heavy cream in the daytime as well. 

For Those Belonging to Age Group 60's

The people belonging to the age group of the 60's need utmost care and serious routine program. The proper moisturization in the skin makes it look healthier and it is a must requirement in this age. Try to keep all those products away that either irritates your skin or taking its charm away. You can easily find the right alternative anytime. 

Smoking is harmful to the skin but the person in their 60's starts getting the same symptoms of skin problems, even if he hasn’t smoked a day. The fine lines around the lips can be commonly seen along with age spots. 

The skin keeps on becoming more delicate than it used to be before. Thus, it is more open to any bruises or scrapes and can be damaged easily. The reason behind this is that the subcutaneous layer is thinning out. Also, the repairing ability of the skin keeps getting reduced and the person will be taking more time to heal now. 

The sweat glands' face shrink and sweating are decreased in the body. Skin barnacles grow in the body and the problem of seborrheic keratoses increases. 

Key tips for skin care for people of age group the 60's:

At this age, you can’t do more than using the right set of products with some precautions. We have narrowed down some useful ones below: 

  1. Now is the time when the natural skin barrier is lost and we need to try to regain the same. Hot water is not good for the skin of this age and hence avoid hot water showers. Also, do not spend a lot of time in the hot tub as it can damage the skin. These can make your skin drier. In addition, a moisturizer and body lotion is a must after the shower. 
  1. Hydration will be lost in the skin of a 60-year-old person. Glycerin is the right ingredient to help in regaining hydration. Dimethicone, a silicon-based protective product along with Glycerin can form a protective layer on the skin. These are also available in various moisturizers, body lotions, and regular usage to keep the body moisturized. 
  1. Facial oil can reduce the dry looking of skin and help in recovering the dullness as well. The oils can restore the lost look of the skin and maintains moisture as well. Ensure that if fragrance-free products are used on the sensitive skin are not causing any damage. 
  1. Do not over-cleanse. Often we think that cleansing helps a lot and end up doing it a lot. Hence, to keep it in control, just avoid the morning cleansing to keep it in control. Just try to wash from the normal water and a simple splash is enough. As an alternative, use alcohol-free water or moisturizer.  
  1. If you have been using alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids regularly, try to lower the usage. It might irritate the skin and hence must be used weekly only. 

Bottom Line

In the end, we can conclude with the fact that the skin keeps on changing with the increasing age. So, why keep the skincare routine the same as before. Try to bring new changes and additions to the skincare routine.

We should avoid using expensive products and complex skincare programs and make sure to use the perfect one suiting to your skin quality. You can even consult the dermatologist or expert for the perfect skincare program. 

12th Jul 2022

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