
How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month

How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Month

It can be quite challenging to lose weight and achieve the weight loss goals in your life. Although, there are some measured processes and steps that can be simply lead to weight loss irrespective of how much weight can you lose. Making a few important and small modifications to your diet plan and livelihood, the weight loss process can be fully simplified. Taking one step at a time and stick to the right plan is the secret of a successful weight loss plan. 

People are struggling when it comes to weight loss. The trial and error approach isn’t going to give positive results until a solid diet plan and exercise routine is brought into practice. Weight loss depends on several functions of the body like metabolism, sleep, physical activity, etc. Weight loss requires willpower and consistency with the proper plan. But the question is how fast can you lose weight and how much in a short period? Along with that, whether it is healthy to lose weight in short time duration like one month. This article will allow you to explore the answer to all these questions. 

In this article, we are going to explain some of the simple steps to guide the weight loss process. If you focus on these and follow these as mentioned, you will be successfully able to lose the right amount of weight in just one month: 

1. Start Doing More Cardio & Exercise

Cardio is the aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate and assists in burning the calories of the body. This physical exercise can help in strengthening the heart of the lungs. Try to add cardio exercise in your daily routine can be a prominent way to increase the chance of weight loss. As per a report, if an individual follows a 40 min cardio session 3 times a week, a 9% weight loss has been witnessed. The cardio exercise includes boxing, biking, jogging, walking, swimming, and a lot more and helps in decreasing the weight loss with more pace. 

2. Cut down the Carbs

The refined carbs intake should be decreased to decrease the weight loss in the body. It will also improve the diet plan and assists in further weight loss. It has been advised to not prefer choosing the carbs as they are a carbohydrate lacking the nutrients and also very high in calories. Decreasing the use will lead to the loss of calories in the body. The refined carbs can be easily absorbed in the blood and the level of hunger is also increased. Hence, these can cause only opposite effects of weight loss. 

It has been confirmed that the people who often take more refined grains are seen with huger belly fat than the ones who eat it less. To achieve the perfect weight loss results, choose the other options available instead of the carbs. These are white bread, cereals, oats, brown rice, etc. 

3. Count the Calories

Keeping a proper track of the calorie loss to ensure the right path of the weight loss. Often it happens that the people used to intake a lot of calories instead of avoiding the same and aren’t even aware of the same. The two ways to avoid that are by decreasing the calorie intake or increasing the hard work or physical activity. Keeping the lost calorie accountability and will surely impact the weight loss as well. It should also be noted that cutting down the calories is not a permanent solution as it can result in short-term weight loss. The weight will likely be increased again with the passing time. 

4. Change Your Beverages

Choosing healthier beverages is a prominent way to simply increase weight loss. The drinks like soda, juice, energy drinks, etc. Fall into the beverages category and are loaded with sugar. Extra sugar brings the extra calories and can start increasing the weight instead of losing the same. If we choose the keep drinking the same beverages, the weight loss idea has to be dropped. As an alternate, increasing the drinking water count can help in boosting the metabolism and cut down the calorie. This can also help in enhancing weight loss. 

5. Slow Eating Is Highly Advised

As per a study, if we keep on eating slowly, the calorie intake can be reduced by an average of 10%. Increasing water consumption can assist in calorie burning and will assist in weight loss. Hence, slow down the eating habit and enjoy your food to the full while keeping the calorie intake minimal. Try to take the smaller bites of food, chew slowly, and drink plenty of water with a meal. This is a very simple and easily adaptable way to decrease the weight of the body. 

6. Include Fibers in Your Diet

The fibers can help in controlling hunger and thus make the food intake as low as possible. It is a nutrient that remains undigested in the body and moves through the body after consumption. This can have a powerful effect on weight loss. If we don’t decrease any food item in our diet and increase the fiber, it can help in losing weight with ease. 

7. Take High Protein Breakfast

A high protein-containing breakfast in your diet plan can be the best way to start your day and lead towards weight loss. Whenever we increase the protein intake, it can reduce the appetite and help in weight loss. High protein can cut down calorie consumption as well. Eating a high-protein breakfast can make you feel full and stimulate hunger. It is also advised that the high protein intake can decrease belly fat and body weight. 

8. Good Sleep at Night 

You should have a proper sleeping schedule in your day-to-day life to ensure successful weight loss. If you are looking forward to decreasing a certain amount of weight in a month, the sleep hours should be properly decided and followed. Once the sleep is deprived, the level of hunger is increased and the hormone can stimulate the hunger. Try sleeping for at least 8 hours every night, formulate a good sleeping schedule and minimize the unnecessary disturbances. This can help a lot in maintaining weight loss. 

9. Use More Veggies

The vegetables are nutrient-rich and can easily offer any nutrient, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. These can be simply used to fill the hunger and reduce the calories as well. Some of the studies also suggest that vegetable usage increases fiber consumption and decreases calorie and body weight. Hence, it is advised that increase the use of veggies in the breakfast and try to intake salads, sandwiches, etc.

10. Avoid Sauces & Use Salads

Many condiments are very high in calories and are advised to be less preferred to keep the calorie level low in the body. Adding the sauce to your favorite food can increase the calorie level in your body and even a healthy meal would be the losing play. Some of such sauces examples are sour cream, peanut butter, maple syrup, and others. Using these can simply increase the calorie level and restrict weight loss as well. Instead of using sauces, try having herbs and salads that can keep the calorie level low and increase the weight loss process as well. 

And a lot more such ways. These were the few major ways to keep the calorie level and the weight loss in check but the list does not end here. You can try other advised ways or measures as well if they have proven results for weight loss. 


Although it is possible to lose a lot more weight even in just one month. Yet, the doctors and we won’t even advise or suggest choosing any such steps. The risky ways are not recommended as they can have severe effects on the body's health. The weight loss of around 8 pounds is just like the temporary loss and will be regained as well with the passing time. Follow the above-mentioned steps and procedures and you can lose a significant amount of weight of your body keeping the health factors in check. The crash-dieting plans can lead to more weight gain in the long term and slow the metabolism of the body. 

To ensure a healthy body and appropriate weight, choose the healthier diet plan and lifestyle that can give the long term results with minimal effort. As they say, the boy doesn’t gain weight overnight and hence can’t be gone overnight either. If you choose to make some simple modifications and diet plans, losing suitable weight will be a piece of cake. Try to go slow and take small steps with proper monitoring to ensure safety and sustainability. With a little patience and hard work, the weight loss goal can be simply achieved without much effort. Start your weight loss journey today and hopefully within one month the expected results can be achieved with all the above-mentioned steps.


Happy Reading!!

12th Jul 2022

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