What to know about Power Naps
Power naps are brief sleep that lasts no longer than 10 or 20 minutes. Power napping in the afternoon is more efficient than in the morning.
Power napping is a field that has seen tremendous growth over the last couple of years. Power naps are brief sleep (only 10- 20 mins) to boost your energy levels. While taking a power nap, the sleeper deliberately stops sleeping before the 30-minute mark to avoid falling into a deep sleep that could cause the feeling of being groggy. One can imagine the power nap as a snack to fuel your brain. If you ask any successful individual or entrepreneur, their main reason for performance and productivity is power napping. It's one of the ways to achieve success that appears to be simple at first glance.
Who invented napping?
Lord Napster is believed to be the first person who invented napping. He was a British nobleman who was a keen gardener Lord Napster was well-known for his fondness for taking short breaks during the day. He was so fond of naps that he even owned a unique chair specifically designed to be used for napping. His contemporaries frequently criticized the man for his lazy habits, but when you look back, it's evident that he was at the forefront times his peers. Today, napping is well-known as a successful method to boost your energy level and increase productivity. If you decide to take a nap, make sure you be grateful to Lord Napster for his contribution to modern-day sleep culture!
8 Wonderful Benefits of Power Naps
The following are eight crucial points that highlight the advantages of taking a power nap:-
- Improved energy levels
One of the main benefits of taking a nap is increased energy levels. It's a quick and efficient method to give yourself a boost and replenish your energy levels. If you are stressed with your work and struggling to cope, this is the perfect solution. Power naps are a great alternative to engaging in activities requiring motor skills, such as sketching new pieces, playing the piano, or using your hands. Because power naps refresh your mind and eliminate the toxins residing in your brain, they help in working memory and long-term recall. You'll be able to make good choices throughout the day and stay calm when the going gets tough.
- Better Productivity
Taking a nap increases attention span, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. If you're trying to complete more tasks when at work and make time to relax at the end of your day, you should take an afternoon nap without any need to ask.
- Heightens Testosterone Levels
Power napping can increase your testosterone and sleep quality and build muscle, making you fit. Sleeping in power can trigger releases of human growth hormone (HGH), which is the key ingredient to building up your muscle mass, becoming fit, and performing at your best physical self.
- Napping Improves Reaction Time
In older people, power napping has been proven to boost reaction time and improve their emotional state. It's not just for the older people; medical professionals have researched these benefits on pilots, soldiers, pilots, and others who aren't getting enough sleep. It is possible to reverse the effects of a sleepless night by taking several power napping sessions all day long.
● Prevents Cell Damage
We don't often consider the harm that can occur when we are sleep-deprived. In addition to losing concentration and getting agitated, our bodies are affected at the cellular level. Sleep deprivation damages cells and is especially detrimental to the lungs, liver, and small intestine cells. Of course, this kind of cell damage can increase the risk of developing diseases. Therefore, it is noteworthy that recovery sleep after sleep deprivation heals the cell damage
- Helps Get Slow Wave Sleep (SWS)
Slow Wave Sleep is approximately 30 minutes, and power napping is a stage 2 sleep, providing you with the SWS you require. SWS helps you make better decisions even if you didn't realize it. If you're into the SWS phase during late afternoons, it becomes easier to fall asleep to sleep. Sleep in the evening.
- Reduce stress
Power napping is a fantastic option to lower stress. Sleep for a while gets you rejuvenated and full of life. This is a brief break to ease tension and improve your mood. Additionally, when you sleep, you increase the quantity of serotonin within your body, rises and fight anxiety and make you feel great! It's among the major benefits of a nap that can be beneficial throughout the day.
- Boosts Creativity
The benefits of power napping also include enhancements in cognitive functioning and alertness and productivity. Naps boost creativity, and this is why many of the largest corporations like Google and Uber have designated nap areas at their workplaces to boost creativity.
How to Power Nap?
Ideally, you want to get a refreshing nap that lasts between 20 and 30 minutes (give yourself around 40 minutes, since you will spend some time sleeping) between 1 and 4 p.m. If you take a nap longer than 4 p.m., it is possible to be creating the conditions for an unrestful night's sleep. In addition, taking a nap for more than 30 minutes may result in what's known as sleep inertia. It's probably something you've experienced before the extreme grogginess that's difficult to shake off even when you drink coffee. Find a quiet, cool, and dark spot to sleep, not spend your time trying to fall asleep in lights and noise. Set a timer if you have to. Relax and let the guilt you may feel, take a nap, and enjoy.
How does a power nap boost exam preparation efficiency?
While you prepare for exams, a power nap helps relax and eases pain and stress. It's an excellent immune booster. The main question is: how does it work, and the answer can be described in the following manner:
- The brain is a complicated organism with endless possibilities. The point where all nerves end must be relaxed to allow for better productivity in work.
- Various cells are constantly working to maintain the brain's functioning. There are two areas of the brain - the left and right brains, also known as the creative brain and the logical brain in the respective. When making preparations for exams, students put both brain parts into use. Therefore it is crucial to ensure that you are taking care of this.
- A sound-power nap can stimulate the nerve system, and it helps to ease it out. This is why it gives longevity of energy.
Tips For Napping Better
Following are the tips on how you can reap the benefits of power naps by doing them right.
- Turn Off the Lights
Make sure you have a sleeping mask, blindfolds, or curtains for your bedroom. Ensure that there are no disruptions in your sleep and get the most out of the power nap. If you're unable to nap for more than 20 to 30 minutes, break the time into six or 10-minute pieces over the day.
- Be constant
Keep your napping schedule regular. Your ideal nap time is during the midday and between 1 pm between 3 and 4 pm. The best way to do this is to limit your nap duration to 30 minutes to reap the benefits.
- Make it quick
The duration of your power nap should not be longer than 30 minutes. Set a timer on your smartphone if you don't wish to awake groggily.
Don't Nap 3 Hours Before Your Bedtime.
Since this can disrupt your sleep routine, confuse you, and make you feel tired, sleep-deprived, and cranky the following day. If you decide to nap, ensure that you take it in the time of 3 hours before the time you go to bed, even if you do not make it to the 1 pm to 3 pm timeframe.
- Use an Alarm or a Timer
If there's no one to wake you, set a timer; it's helpful, and be certain of it.
- Meditate
If you don't have the time and relax, it is recommended to sit down for a few minutes of meditation. You'll make you feel more refreshed.
- Set aside your worries
Concentrating on stress sources keeps your mind awake. If you're struggling to let off worries and to-do lists, consider engaging in relaxing exercises. They can aid you in falling asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
- Use White Noise or Sleep Music
Buy a pair of headphones that block out noise and listen to white music or sleep tracks using it. This will create a relaxing atmosphere. If your home is noisy, invest in an earplug and request someone to awake you at the 30-minute mark (if the person you ask for is reliable).
Power naps are a type of sleep that last no longer than 10 or 20 minutes. Power napping in the afternoon is more efficient than in the morning. This is because your body is built for this kind of work, and the afternoon drowsiness signifies when you are taking an afternoon nap. Power napping is a fantastic option to balance yourself and restore your energy and bring your concentration levels back to normal. But one of the lesser-known advantages of power naps is that it is often overlooked. Therefore, it allows you to recover any sleep you missed the previous night!
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