
The Best Foods for healthy, clear and glowing skin

The Best Foods for healthy, clear and glowing skin

The key to achieving your ideal skin is no longer hidden. The key is to keep your gut healthy; continue reading to learn about the best foods for healthy, clear, and glowing skin and how to achieve it.

Have you ever considered the one trick to getting the skin you've always desired? The best way to get healthy, glowing skin is to eat well. Even though we are aware of this fact, we prefer to avoid it.

It is rightly said, "A healthy outside starts from the inside." A healthy gut results in healthy skin. All those expensive beauty products won't help if you are not eating right. The root cause of your skin being unhealthy is your gut is unhealthy. A well-balanced diet is essential for achieving flawless skin, one that will make your friends and colleagues envious. 

In this world, where we don't have time to take care of ourselves, eating junk seems to be an easy option. We don't realize but eating processed foods or foods which are high in sugar and contain lots of fats results in dull, acne-prone skin with a lot more skin issues. Before eating food for healthy skin, you need to limit the intake of these types of foods.

Thus, the focus should be on keeping your gut healthy, and that only happens when the food on your plate is the best food for healthy skin.

Reading this article further will tell you some foods that will help you achieve radiant and glowing skin.

Some of the foods are very beneficial for the skin. So here we have compelled the list of some of the best foods for healthy, clear, and glowing skin.

Best Foods for Healthy, Clear, Glowing Skin


Oranges and lemons are some of the most common citrus fruits found in every household. These fruits, being rich in antioxidants, are a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C rejuvenates your skin, promotes skin elasticity, and boosts collagen production. With these excellent skin benefits, citrus fruits come with health benefits. Also, it increases your immunity which will help you fight health problems.

Half an orange or a glass of orange juice every day can do wonders for your skin. Drinking lemon water every day promotes anti-aging, helps skin texture, and flushes out all the toxins from the body, which lightens your skin tone, giving you healthy, radiant, and glowing skin. 


It would be reckless to discuss foods for healthy skin without including turmeric. Turmeric is a spice that's often used in Indian cooking, but did you know that it has numerous health benefits as well as numerous skin benefits?

It helps to lighten dark spots and acne scars by having skin-lightening properties. It's a natural antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects and gives your skin a healthy and natural glow. Turmeric water is a natural blood purifier, and drinking it regularly helps eliminate toxins from the body. 


We're all aware of the benefits of water to our bodies and skin, and watermelons are high in water content. When summer arrives, watermelons are the first thing you'll see in the market. It hydrates your skin and makes you look younger. Watermelon's antioxidants, such as lycopene, and vitamins, such as Vitamins A, C, E, and B6, help heal damaged skin cells.

It refines pores, soothes skin, and acts as a natural toner, which helps in hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. It not only has its influence on the skin but also on the hair. Watermelon provides nourishment to your hair, making them stronger. So, the first thing you should do in summer is to go to the market and grab a watermelon.


Greek yogurt, like plain yogurt, has a variety of effects on your skin. While there is a connection between dairy products and acne, this does not mean you should avoid them entirely. According to studies, yogurt is one of the best foods for healthy skin that anyone can consume.

Yogurt containing lactic acid acts as a moisturizer to your skin, fighting wrinkles and fine lines. It fades blemishes and evens your uneven skin tone. It is incredible for your skin and hair and transforms your dull and dry skin into healthy and glowing skin.


A positive thing that everybody can do is to have an aloe vera plant in their home. It creates a happy atmosphere in the house, and aloe vera intake keeps you healthy. Aloe vera juice has a bitter flavor, but it's worth it for the priceless benefits it brings to your skin.

Aloe vera heals the skin from inside and replenishes cells and tissues. It also hydrates your skin, and drinking aloe vera juice removes toxins from your body daily, making your body and gut-healthy, ultimately making your skin healthy.


Papaya is a fruit that might be lying in one corner of your fridge, and you don't even know its benefits. Papaya being rich in carotenoids and vitamin A has skin-cleansing properties. It is best for dry skin as it gives moisture to your skin; it makes your skin go from dry and flaky to a moisturized, healthy glowing skin.

Apart from these skin benefits, papaya helps to control blood pressure and weight and be a powerful exfoliator that eliminates dead skin cells and fights acne.

Green leafy vegetables

Most people, particularly teenagers, dislike eating green vegetables, but what green leafy vegetables can do for your skin is incredible. It should be on your list of foods for glowing skin. Green leafy vegetables, especially kale and spinach, are rich in lutein. These vegetables give hydration to your skin. These leafy greens are loaded with Vitamin A, C, and many antioxidants, which even outs your tone, helping people facing hyperpigmentation.

Leafy greens play an essential role in skin cell regeneration, and they also have a significant effect on the eyes. While you will dislike the taste of these green leafy vegetables, you will appreciate the benefits they provide to your skin.


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a phrase we've all heard since we were children, but let us tell you that an apple often keeps pimples, acne, pigmentation, dry skin, and other skin problems at bay. It hydrates your skin and protects it from the sun's UV rays, which are harmful to your skin.

Apples have vitamin A, B-complex, C. Apples are best for every skin type, but they will help oily skin people because vitamins present in this fruit will remove excess oil and get rid of pathogens. They also reduce puffiness and improve complexion. Thus, you can say an apple is an all-rounder and a must-have in your fridge. 

Green Tea

Green tea is well-known for its health benefits; in reality, most of us drink it to lose weight. Green tea, on the other hand, should be a part of everyone's diet because it protects us from skin cancer and aids in weight loss; it also helps you achieve your dream skin and is one of the essential drinks on the list of best foods for healthy skin.

It fights premature aging and reduces acne, acne scars, dark spots, and blemishes. It detoxifies your body, giving you healthy, clear, glowing, and radiant skin. Some green tea comes with natural oils, which are highly beneficial for your skin. We recommend that you drink green tea, which contains natural oils that are extremely beneficial. Green tea tastes fantastic and includes a tonne of vitamins and antioxidants, so you won't have any trouble drinking it.


We've all had ginger tea at some point in our lives, but I'm not sure if you know what ginger can do for your skin and body. It contains natural oils that nourish your skin while also removing blemishes. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to maintain collagen levels in the skin.

Having a glass of ginger water mixed with turmeric and lemon juice will do that magic to your skin which you never even thought about. This drink will have a combination of properties of three ingredients, and all of them together make it a great drink.

We are all aware of the best foods to eat for healthy, clear, and glowing skin. Let's make the switch to a healthy diet and see what a difference it makes to your skin.

12th Jul 2022

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