How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Permanently
Are you also sick of stubborn dark circles that won’t budge no matter what remedies you try? Let us help you. Here’s how to get rid of dark circles permanently and have pretty glowing face.
Nowadays, dark circles are very common due to inadequate amounts of sleep. The dark circular patch that circumscribes the human eyes is oddly dissatisfying to see and can ruin your look. After forming the dark circle around the eyes, this vital organ swelled up, making our eyes appear tinier. However, after the dark circle is formed, it puts a lot of stress on the person's mind about how to get rid of dark circles, this thing can be removed, and it is also not a significant threat to our health. Dark circular patches around your eye can make you look tired and make your appearance dull. It is a no-brainer that everyone will want to remove this from their face to look youthful.
Causes of Dark Circles
Many believed that the most common cause of the dark circle appearance is stress and sleeplessness, but other than that, multiple underlying reasons are there behind this skin-related skin-related issue. Understanding the reasons behind the formation of dark circles is essential to know how to remove dark circles. Now let's look at the leading causes that have been identified behind the dark circles.
Stress and Fatigue: fatigue due to the extreme workload leads to stress. Along with that, exam pressure among the students also increases stress in the student's minds. Various environmental factors also induce emotional stress, which ultimately hampers our lifestyle and leads to these dark circles' development. Though it is practically impossible to eradicate stress gained from a normal lifestyle completely, you can still apply multiple measures to get rid of dark circles.
Sleeplessness: inadequate sleep is another major factor behind the development of dark patches under the eye. The reasons for insomnia may be immense work pressure, anxiety due to an upcoming examination or essential event, or partying with best pals.
The low water level in the body: less water intake is another reason you end up developing dark circles. When you don't drink an adequate amount of water, it increases toxins in your blood, and the toxins cannot be washed away due to the absence of an ideal amount of water in the body and eventually develops dark circles.
Unhealthy diet: including unhealthy junk foods or packaged foods in your regular food habit is one reason you end up searching for remedies about how to remove dark circles. After consuming a lot of packaged and junk food instead of taking healthy homemade foods and fruits, there is a high probability of developing dark circles.
Haemoglobin levels: internal problems like low haemoglobin level in the blood form dark circles.
Increased use of electronic devices: excessive usage of electronic devices like mobiles, computer or tablets can put a strain on the eyes. Due to this, dark circles are formed.
Prolonged illness: development of dark circles might occur due to prolonged illness. Diseases like cancer and AIDS can cause severe damage to the body and lead to dark circles. So, there is a high need to get rid of dark circles formed as a consequence of weakness due to long-term illness.
Genetic issues: dark circles can also appear due to genetic problems and are not bound to any other lifestyle factors. In such issues, consulting a doctor will help to understand how to get rid of dark circles.
Apart from these, several other factors are responsible for the dark-coloured patches near the eyes. These factors include allergies, dermatitis, irregularities in skin pigmentation, long exposure to the sunray, rubbing or scratching your visual organ, and many more. Moreover, the problem will also appear naturally with aging.
When to consult a doctor to get rid of dark circles
Consulting a medical consultant for understanding multiple solutions of how to get rid of dark circles is the ideal thing to do. Doctors are healthcare professionals and will find the root cause of the problem. After evaluating the main reason behind the development of dark circles beneath the eyes, the medical professional will give you several suggestions accordingly. He or she will suggest you take some vitamin supplements, consume tablets, or apply the cream for skin lightening. Recommendations from a doctor help treat the discoloration caused by the dark circular patches. So, if you search for ways to remove dark circles instantaneously, your doctor may also suggest laser therapy. Laser therapy acts upon the damaged cells inside your skin and targets darker pigmented skin.
Whenever you encounter dark circles, it is better to consult a doctor about how to get rid of dark circles. In your body, specific symptoms like swelling of eyes or the change in pigmentation of the skin under the eyes only then report the problem to your doctor and do not ignore it as it might indicate other serious health-related issues.
How to remove dark circles with home remedies
Natural homemade remedies are the first thing that you should try. There are no side effects of it, as most of the treating process's ingredients are directly derived from nature. Multiple home remedies are there to get rid of dark circles. In this category, highly effective homemade solutions are discussed.
Facial massage by oil: take coconut oil and almond oil in a bowl and mix them properly. After that, apply it to your face with the circular motion of your hands. Leave the mixture for at least 1 hour so that it gets soaked in the skin's pores. Finally, wash the face. Regularly applying this mixture to the face will make your face free of dark circles.
Apply Raw Potato: vegetable-like potato can be cut and then applied to the bare skin of your face, or you can also grate the potato to apply it under the eye. This will automatically lighten the skin pigmentation. Other than that, the juice extracted from raw potatoes can also be applied to get rid of these dark patches under your eye. In all these processes, you have to wash your face after applying the potato. Do this regularly, and dark circles will leave your face sooner than your expectation.
Used Tea Bags After Cooling: the presence of polyphenols and catechins present in the used tea bags is proven to reduce the dark patches from the skin. Just ensure that the teabag is cold. Before sleeping, should apply cold tea bags because it leads to the constriction of blood vessels, leading to the lightening of skin pigmentation.
Lemon juice eye pack: Citrus fruit like lemon contains vitamin C. due to this reason lemon, has unique bleaching property. After applying lemon juice mixed with freshly grounded coconut and finely grated cucumber in a mixer grinder, the skin under the eye lightens. After 20 minutes, you should wash your face with milk or freshwater
Tomatoes: tomatoes have good exfoliation properties and are often used in beauty face packs. But how to remove dark circles using tomatoes poses a good question. Grate fresh tomatoes, mix them thoroughly with lemon juice, and then apply it beneath your eyes for about 20 minutes. This mixture should preferably be washed with water extracted from coconut.
Several other remedies apply for the removal of dark circles, like massaging aloe vera gel, applying rose water, applying saffron and milk mix, and several other beauty tactics. Apart from this, following a vitamin-rich diet having many citrus fruits will also help reduce or even prevent dark circles.
How to get rid of dark circles with doctor's prescribed medicines
Doctors also do prescribe medicines that are extremely helpful for you to get rid of dark circles. Some recommendations from the doctor for the removal of dark circular patches are:
Pigmentation lightening cream for skin: the creams available in the market for lightening the skin pigmentation is often prescribed by dermatologists. Several ingredients in the cream like azelaic acid, kojic acid, glycolic acid, and hydroquinone help in the skin pigmentation lightening process.
Chemical peels: a light chemical peel is often recommended by a skin specialist that lightens the highly pigmented skin under your eyes.
Blepharoplasty: sometimes, near the lower lid of the eye, fat deposition occurs. This can be removed by a surgical procedure known as Blepharoplasty.
Laser therapy: damaged cells need to be removed by the laser rays' heat energy. So, laser therapy is a viable option.
Fillers like Restylane or Juvéderm are injected into the tissue present beneath your eyes by several ophthalmologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other specially trained healthcare providers.
Thus, get rid of dark circles very quickly by putting a little effort into applying remedies and effectively getting away with these stubborn dark circles. Although dark circles are not a significant threat to one's health, do not hesitate to visit your doctor immediately if you face any troubles.
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