
The Worst Mistakes Made When Learning to Apply Makeup

The Worst Mistakes Made When Learning to Apply Makeup

Make-up mistakes and blunders are very common things these days. In the sheer try of achieving the perfect look and feel, the teenagers end up making the make-up entirely wrong. The reason is not merely in the products but the selection and usage of the same. The majority have no clear idea what to use and how to apply the makeup product. 

The women have the undying quest of looking beautiful and applying makeup is the very basic step, to begin with. But, due to ignorance or any other reasons, there happen to be huge blunders in the process of achieving flawless makeup for the face. All those hours of effort are wasted if the makeup techniques and approaches aren’t explored properly. Also, one should keep a note that not every product is made for everyone. We just need to be choosy in what suits us. 

7 Common Blunders We Make While Applying Makeup 

Here, in this article, we will be discussing some of the usual teenage makeup mistakes and the easy ways to avoid the same. Stick to the end to know all of them in detail with the ways to correct them as well:

1. Lacking Pre-Moisturization

It is said the dryness in the skin is the sole enemy of makeup. This makes it a prominent need to moisturize the skin before actually taking up the makeup. Often, we have seen cracks or a bit of grayness in the makeup if the same has been applied directly on the dry skin without any moisturization in the beginning. The makeup doesn’t get mixed with the skin if it is dry. As an alternate, applying proper moisture on the face will allow the product to blend perfectly. It is an ideal practice to cleanse, tone, and moisturize the face properly and with all measures before actually applying any makeup product. This process is also referred to as the CTM technique and should be followed to ensure the perfect makeup without any flaws. 

Whenever we use any makeup product, the ideal scenario is that it blends perfectly with the face. The thick layer is set on the face makes the makeup look more obvious. Also, after applying foundation on the face skin, avoid over washing the same, and ensuring to hydrate the face before applying the makeup is a must. 

2. Heavy Usage Of Concealer

The concealers are a very common makeup product used to cover up the dark circles or spots on the face. The product is a thick texture and is usually used to hide the blemishes on the face. The concealer should be applied to the specific part of the face and not to the entire face. Although being a very commonly used makeup product, the concealer shouldn’t be used in excess. The right tone is very necessary. Use the lighter shade to avoid any sort of prominent fine lines and wrinkles on the face. 

The concealers are majorly used to hide the spots while making up but using them excessively does the opposite to your face. It highlights the part of the face you’re trying to hide and makes it fully noticeable. It should be applied very lightly with a tiny brush. The foundation must be used before the concealer. This is something most women are doing wrong and it should be applied in multiple layers. 

The concealers are available in multiple colors and choosing any single one for every use isn’t the correct approach. You should be aware that colors in the concealers have their specific advantage and can be used to achieve the perfect face makeup if used in the right quantity and manner. Above all, it should match with the skin tone, that’s the basic necessity. 

3. Apply Blush In Incorrect Manner

Achieve a natural look to your face with the blush and its usage in the correct manner. Usually, the blush used while make up seems to be too heavy and that makes the face appearance a bit clumsy. If the blush is used correctly and properly, the results can be a rosy look on the face with the touch of youthfulness. The same can be used to cope with the aging factor. The application of blush is much more tricky and complex than it seems. It has to be done as per the shape of face. 

Teenagers are advised not to use the blush at all as they end up making a stripe across the face. Even if you are sure where to apply it, the amount can vary from the face to face. Try to use the blush in the lower part of the face (cheekbones) with a light amount and touch. 

4. Inaccurate Shade Of Foundation

The right shade of the foundation has to be in match with the skin tone. Normally, people make this mistake and try to use a similar sort of foundation and results in blunder. The individual wearing an incorrect shade of foundation on the face can be identified from a distance as the face color is completely changed from the rest of the body color. If you choose the light tone of foundation from your skin, it will lead to dullness and grayish color on the face. To achieve accurate results, it should be matched with the face color and not with the arm or any other body color. In case of any confusion, try to go with the best possible shade that looks perfect in the natural daylight. 

The usage of the foundation is not advised for teenagers as their facial skin is already young and fresh. But, even if the use of the foundation is necessary, try to apply where it is needed much. Don’t be in a hurry to put the same in a quick attempt to hide spots. The foundation should only be used if you are preferring to do light shade makeup and that too not on the entire face. Avoid using it for the concealer’s job and cover the blemishes or dark spots. It should be applied to the neck and ears as well as the face to keep the entire face color in synchronization. 

5. Using Darker In Eyebrows

The dramatic usage of eyebrow shade can destroy the look of the face. Filling the brows with over usage of the dark shade can be the most common mistake people often do. Match the shade color with the hair color or a bit darker one to achieve the best results for your facial appearance. The brush should be angular and with upright strokes on the brows. You shouldn’t be trying to fill the color uniformly in the entire brow, instead, focus on the sparse and uneven areas. Give a comb at the end to provide a more smooth and realistic even look and feel. 

If we go over the board while doing the eyebrow makeup, there are high chances of resulting in a clown appearance rather than the beauty we were expecting. Try to learn the secrets of eyebrow makeup and offer yourself a steamy appearance. 

6.  Choosing Sticky Lipstick Color

Lipstick is one of the basic products of makeup and can amplify the entire look and feel of the face. It is the most common ingredient that can either make or break your appearance. The color of the lipstick should be chosen as per the skin tone. Choosing the incorrect color or a bit darker shade of lipstick can make you look much older than usual. 

7. Wrong Eyeliner Shade & Heavy Usage

Teenagers love to do experiments with makeup based on the occasion, festival, or regular lifestyle. Often, teens can be seen using a heavy eyeliner around the entire eye with a darker shade like black. The heavy usage of eyeliner in daily life makes look dramatic and eyes very small. You should avoid that and try to keep the lighter shade and usage of eyeliner. 

The same goes with mascara as well. While using the mascara in the eyelashes, try to separate them properly or else it will end in a clumsy look. Keep a little amount of mascara on the brush and stroke upwards. A retouch with the dry brush can give a fine-tune to the mascara. 

It's 2021 and make-up experiments are a very common thing among teens. But, the make-up should be treated as something extra touch, not the basic need. The natural glow and beauty should be preserved much more and the products/usage can be done as per the face tone. Avoid making yourself embarrass with the wrong use of any makeup product. Practice is the key to learn the best makeup skills. Mistakes are obvious, but learning is essential. There is a various resource with free make up tips and YouTube videos to teach you the right set of makeup art. 

Hence, we hope that all the above mentioned make up blunders and tips to avoid the same can prove helpful. Learn the correct ways to use the make up products and achieve an attractive appearance.

12th Jul 2022

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