
Hair Tips for Men, according to Experts

Hair Tips for Men, according to Experts

Hair is the extension of the character and aura of a man. Every man out there who never compromises on the care and use only tested products on their hair, this article is for you. If you want to maintain the silky texture, luster, and mesmerizing locks; Never take advice from quacks on how to treat your hairs. A random treatment leads to unanticipated problems.

We all want to maintain the consistent growth and health of our hair over the years. We all claim to know what all shampoos and hair sprays will make our hair look all shiny and glossy, but all that glory is short-lived if it doesn't suit our hair. Our locks go through the rigid chemical coloring process, curling, straightening, which diminishes the strength over the years. We’ve gathered some Info which every pre-eminent hair skilled expert suggests. Bringing some changes to your hair care regime can drastically improve their appearance as well as their growth.

Don't overdo the shampoo

Our locks are subjected to the unforgiving wind, scorching heat, and agitating dust particles every day. They are exposed to different weather in different seasons. To wash away the dust and frizz caused by these factors, one is always advised to wash their hair correctly and with a good shampoo. However, those people who wash it everyday! Ditch the habit as washing daily will not make it much cleaner. Incessant washing of hair leads to several problems like damaged hair, hair fall, and other such related repercussions as such experts advise to wash hair only 2-3 times a week. Using dry shampoo can also work wonders. It can amp up the volume and make your hair look more sprightly.

Ditch the styling tools

Actors and celebrities wear a wig. Why? Icon Ariana Grande says that working on a set requires styling hair differently every day. This damaged her natural hair to such an extent that now she has to wear a wig to repair the damage done to her hair. In comparison, straightening and curling now and then seems very amusing. The heat evolved from these tools burns and injuries the hair. If you use a heating tool on your hair often, it is plausible that you won't feel the same volume and growth in your tresses. If you are so keen on styling, it is advised to use no heat curls or straightening hacks. This not only goes for men but also with the women.

Conditioner is the key

Frizzy, rough,  and dull hair? Conditioners are here to your rescue. No matter how much of a hurry you are in, always use a conditioner after washing your hair, by using that locks in the moisture and remain your hair healthy and hydrated. A good conditioner will help you get rid of tangled hair and rejuvenate them. As a man, you will often be tempted to overlook the importance of applying conditioner. Lathering your hair in shampoo is just not enough. You have to go the extra mile to make your hair extra happy and healthy.

The market offers a variety of good conditioners to choose from depending upon the type of hair. So it is time to hit your local supermarket and buy that conditioner which you've been contemplating about.

Let the air dry your hair

No need to become a rock star to dry your hair. Rubbing and aggressively squeezing the life out of them by a towel. This unhealthy practice weakens the hair from the roots and makes hair fall in large volume. When you rub your hair roughly, the hair gets tangled with the towel's string and causes breakage. Blow drying every time is also harmful as the heat will cause split ends, which will hinder your hair's growth. As a man, you might have a section of t-shirts which are of no use to you! A t-shirt is made from cloth which is gentle on hair. Dry your hair by cutting away excess oil with the t-shirt and then allowing it to dry naturally.

Don't use soaps as a shampoo

It is distressing to know that still much of the male population believes that soaps are an alternative for shampoos! Washing hair does not mean you can grab any nearby product and dump it onto your hair. Like every other part of the body, locks are also meant to be taken proper care of. Using soap damage the hair in the long run. If you are so keen on using a soap, try the soap bars, which have been all the rage of the upcoming sustainable era. These soap bars reduce the use of plastic and are also eco-friendly.

Avoid stress

Stress is a mental dilemma that affects both your mind and body equally. Stress can push hair follicles into a "resting" phase in order that they do not produce new hair strands. This is as scary as it sounds. Too much mental pressure can reverse the growth of your hair, which will lead to baldness gradually. Thus, it is vital to maintain a positive perspective towards life. A positive mind means a healthy and happy man. Take out time to meditate and relax your mind every once in a while. Try to remain calm and composite even in the most challenging times. Composure brings self-satisfaction from within and helps relax your hair too.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a balanced diet also enhances the growth of hair. Just as your focus on your muscles in the gym, put a little emphasis on the care of your hair too. These effective tips for hair by experts will transition the lifeless appearance of your locks. You will be able to ditch your cap and walk out with confidence finally. One last tip from our experts! Use silk pillowcases while sleeping. This is the luxury treatment that your locks are worthy of.

12th Jul 2022

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