
Amazing Benefits of Vitamin D for Skin, Hair, and Health

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin D for Skin, Hair, and Health

Vitamins play a crucial role in our life. Here, we have shared some amazing benefits of vitamin D that will help you know the importance of Vitamin D for Hair, Skin, and Health.

Amazing Benefits of Vitamin D for Skin, Hair, and Health

You might have studied about balanced diet and Vitamins in your elementary school. We were always taught how important vitamins are in our diet and what their benefits are. Vitamin D is one of them. We never really understood its importance till scientists started to research the amazing benefits we get. 

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble secosteroid hormone that is essential for bone development and brain development. Vitamin D is also commonly known as sun Vitamin or Sunshine Vitamin, derived initially from Sun. Sunlight is the primary source of Vitamin D. several benefits of vitamin D can change our lives immensely and prevent many dangerous diseases. Other forms of Vitamin D are present for consumption, such as supplements, food, and liquids. Supplements containing vitamin D are synthesized from original Vitamin D.

What are the types of Vitamin D?

There are 5 types of Vitamin D we get naturally and in supplements. These are:

Vitamin D1-Vitamin D1 is derived from lumisterol and ergocalciferol molecular compounds.

Vitamin D2- Ergocalciferol, also known as Vitamin D2, is derived from plants.

Vitamin D3- Cholecalciferol, also known as Vitamin D3, is naturally produced by us in response to sunlight.

Vitamin D4- Vitamin D4 is also known as dihydroergocalciferol.

Vitamin D5- Vitamin D5 is known initially as sitocalciferol.

The two main types of vitamins needed are Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.

Since we have such a limited vitamin, you must be wondering why it is so crucial for daily consumption. Why do we need it, or what are the benefits?

Here we are with amazing Benefits of Vitamin D:

The benefits of Vitamin D are evident with a prolonged period of recommended consumption daily. Vitamin d benefits many parts of the body, such as skin, hair, and health. It deeply encourages your body to heal and grow.

Vitamin D for skin:

Vitamin D for the skin is an essential hormone that helps your skin activate its numerous oil glands to reactivate and revive moisture.

Vitamin d works like an antioxidant for your skin. It helps to detoxify the unwanted dirt and dust residing on your skin. 

Vitamin D deeply enhances skin quality by rejuvenating cells from inside out. It works as an anti-inflammatory medicine for inflammation that is very common nowadays. 

If you are dealing with Psoriasis, then it is one the most natural and best healing medicine for you. It helps to relieve itching and pain.

Vitamin D helps repair skin damage; if you have burns, cell damage, skin damage, or any skin issue, it will surely be a good try.

If you recently got pregnant or generally have stretch mark problems, then vitamin D might help prevent more growth.

Vitamin D for Hair

If you are experiencing a lot of hair fall and have tried many oils and techniques, you should get a vitamin D deficiency test done. Vitamin D deficiency can be a significant cause in experiencing hair fall.

Vitamin D for Hair is essential for the keratinocytes of your hair. Your hair goes through a follicle cycle for almost two to six years. Deficiency in Vitamin D can cause your follicle cycle of the hair to stop and eventually to stop the new hair growth. Therefore, you experience hair fall in such cases.

To prevent and cure your hair fall, taking enough Vitamin D for hair can help hair growth.

Vitamin D health benefits:

The benefits of Vitamin D do not stop on skin and hair. It has several benefits for our health.

Currently, Vitamin D is recommended by doctors to fight against coronavirus. Vitamin D works as an immune booster for people who have low immunity. 

Vitamin D health benefits are numerous; here are some of the significant benefits you should know.

Vitamin D helps absorb essential minerals such as calcium and phosphate, necessary in developing bones and teeth. Deficiency in Vitamin D may cause a delay in growth.

Prevents Cancer

Cancer is one disease that people are getting aware of lately. It is essential to take precautions. It was discovered that people who Took Vitamin D daily had fewer chances of developing cancer. It was also discovered that people who had cancer and took vitamin D daily had fewer chances to die. At the initial stage, it was seen that people were improving. Many people with cancer saw no change.

The research is still going on for changes, but a majority of the people experienced good results. 

Prevents chances of having Osteoporosis

Vitamin D has a significant role in developing bones and strengthening them. Vitamin d helps in the creation of new bone and loss of old bone. It is seen that women have a high risk of having Osteoporosis; regular intake of vitamin D in their diet was seen as helpful.

Prevents Rickets in children

The benefits of vitamin D are immense in children as their growth rate is very high than adults and the elderly. Though Rickets is very rare in some countries, Vitamin D plays a vital role in preventing such diseases. 

Prevents Respiratory issues 

Vitamin D is a booster for low immunity. It was discovered that regular intake of Vitamin D reduced chances of respiratory issues like cold and flu. As discussed before, doctors recommend having vitamin D in coronavirus, which is also a respiratory issue.

Researchers are still not sure that vitamin D helped people have fewer chances of flu as they don’t know if people had flu vaccination before.

Helps in cognition

Vitamin D helps brain tissues to develop. It was discovered that the brain consisted of some vitamin D receptors that could help people with problems like dementia. Researchers are still finding the cause-and-effect relationship.

Vitamin D and Depression

Scientists have been researching the effect of Vitamin D on symptoms of depression. Though the results are still not clear, they observed many things in the people who were depressed. It was seen that people who took vitamin D from the Sun were happy and felt a change in thinking. Researchers are not sure of the benefits of Vitamin D on Depression. They assumed that people loved nature, and the positive energy of the Sun provided them with enough amount of serotonin (deficiency of serotonin leads to depression).

People with mild depression who took vitamin D supplements saw changes in their serotonin production. People with severe depression who were on antidepressants saw no change.

It is clear that nature makes people happy as we can sense it and feel our own energies, but some supplements provided some results. Vitamin d supplements can never replace antidepressants, and you should never use them in that way. It is recommended to try it with the prescription of your doctor.

What are the sources of vitamin D?

Vitamin d is originally derived from the Sun and produced by our skin. UV rays help our skin make certain chemicals, which are then mixed in the liver and kidneys and formed as Vitamin D. If the kidneys and liver have any issue. There are fewer chances of production of Vitamin D. If there are problems in the immune system, it can be difficult for your body to absorb the Vitamin.

Such reasons and limited intake of Vitamin D may cause deficiency. 

But there are many other sources from where you can take Vitamin D. 

Here are some sources which are rich in vitamin D.

  1. Supplements

Supplements containing vitamin D are readily available in the market. These are prescribed by doctors to those who are deficient in vitamin D. supplements include synthesized Vitamin D and are not enough to complete daily requirements alone.

  1. Milk 

Milk is another source that contains some amount of vitamin D. some types of the brand have fortified vitamin D, which is not original.

  1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are grown in Sun, and hence they are very rich in Vitamin D. they are a good option for vegans or people who don't like dairy products.

  1. Beef liver

The beef liver consists of almost one-fourth of the daily Vitamin D requirement.

  1. Fish like halibut and herring

Herring and halibut fish are rich in vitamins such as b12 and D. 

  1. Salmon

Salmon can very high in Vitamin D depending upon the location 

  1. Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is essential for adults who are looking for stronger bones and high brain activity. It can be consumed in capsule form. It is rich in vitamin D and A. it also consists of omega 3. 

Now that you've understood the benefits of vitamin D in your lives make sure you're receiving enough of it via the sun, your food, or a daily supplement.

12th Jul 2022

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