
What Is the Difference Between Facial Serum, Oil & Moisturizer?

What Is the Difference Between Facial Serum, Oil & Moisturizer?

Following your skincare routine requires a lot of research and choosing the right makeup products. In case of using the wrong products and that too irrespective of the skin tone and type can cause blunders. Make the most of skincare with the best-suited products and their right application. But, making the right choice is not so easy as there is a wide range of various products are available in the market and new ones are getting launched with each passing day. Hence, it is better to research the products before actually using them on your skin. 

In this article, we are going to explore the three major products on the daily skincare regime and will help you in deciding the right one for you. Along with that, a properly detailed differentiation & best approach to use the Facial Serum, Oils, and Moisturizer is demonstrated. Stick to the end of the article and you will get some tailored advice for your betterment of skin: 

What Are Facial Serums & How to Use? 

The face serums are water-based makeup products that are known for their powerful nature and formula. The serums are developed to handle the various problems in skin like dullness, dark spots, blemishes, fine lines, wrinkles, aging factor, and a lot more. The face serum products have vitamins and antioxidants that can go deep into the skin and provide the right nourishment. There are various other skin-rich nutrients and ingredients are available in the face serums to help in providing youthful and fresh appearances. Serums go in the depth of the skin and give new energy to the texture from within. It requires around a few weeks to see proper results of regular usage of the serums. But, only good quality and better-reviewed serums should be used in our faces to achieve the expected ideal results. Serums can be said as a supplement to the skin which can’t assure the complete cure but a radiance in the skin will surely be achieved. 

The face serums are also advised to ones whose skin is lacking nourishment. They are a prime source of nourishing ingredients for the skin. It goes very deep in the face skin and targets all specific concerns mentioned above. There have been some common myths about the serums as well that they help in skin hydration or provide any sort of sun protection. But, these are not true or proven yet. It is not necessary to use the single face serum but multiple ones can be used accordingly as per your skin type and quality. 

The usage of facial serums is advised to be right after the cleansing and toning of the face. They are layered underneath the moisturizer that allows them to penetrate deeply. These also assist in the brightening of the skin to some level. The serum application should be a pea-sized amount and is ideal to use once a day. But, never try to pile it on the face or use more and more. The less it is used, the better results and low the chances of any problems like irritation. Press it on the skin even more often than trying to massage it like a moisturizer. 

What Are Facial Oils & How to Use? 

Going by the name, we are going to talk about the nourishment oils for the face. The facial oils are created using rich ingredients and have the potential to soften the skin with the right application. The oils are completely organic and are extracted from the fruits, seeds, nuts, etc. Hence, these have fewer chances of any side effects and are proven to be great for the skin. Unlike facial serums, facial oils can offer moisturization to the skin. Being full of nourishment and restoration is just like the cherry on the cake. 

But, does any type of oil can be considered as a facial oil? Well, it is a myth. All-natural oils can’t be used as face oil but only ones whose molecular size is very small. Some common examples of such face oils are Argan oil and Jojoba oil. Being of low-sized molecules there is no chance of pores clogging and are being absorbed easily. The facial oils provide heavy hydration to the skin and hence are suitable for very dry skin. If you’re looking for balanced hydration, it is not ideal to use any facial oils. They form a seal of water on the skin and helps in retaining the lost moisture and also ensures that it remains fully long-lasting as well. These can be a prime source of fatty acids and vitamins to the skin but Vitamin B3 is not provided. 

The facial oils remain on the top of the skin and do not penetrate. Oiling is the final step in the skincare routine as it sits on the top and keeps the entire serums or moisturizer locked on the face. These tend to protect and nourish the skin via rich antioxidants and nutrients. In case of any or all pollution-related skin damage, facial oils are a must. The facial oils are not considered by a large majority yet they remain in the spotlight due to the potential to bring the healthy face glow back. The skin receives various lipids that act as a barrier to the skin routine. Choose the right one as your skin type and ensure only the benefits with no side effects. For instance, Jojoba oil is effective in acne-prone skin because it has no chance of clogging pores, but the same is not suitable for extremely dry skin. For the latter one, a much more nourishing oil should be favored. 

The facial oils can be a source of moisture and hydration for the skin. Being said that, they can also be used as frequently and are as important as serums in the skincare routine. To increase the moisture in the skin, essential facial oil products are a must-have. There are various oils in the market that are being sold and marketed as serums and that is creating unnecessary confusion. Th face oils also protect the face skin from sudden weather or temperature changes. You need to massage the oils to make the face skin softer and smoother. These tend to keep the serum from evaporating and act as a barrier. The face oils should be used in a small amount (specifically 2-6 drops) and make sure to reduce the same as well if you are receiving any side effects. If your face is oily, only fewer drops are required to massage on the face and neck. The most preferred time to apply the face oil is in the evening as in this time the skin rests and can be enabled to easy repairing. 

What Are Moisturizers & How to Use? 

The moisturizers are made with a combination of water and oil and are a byproduct of the two. These are formulated to hydrate the very top layer of the skin with the power of both oil and water. Moisturizers are a very common skincare product being used by almost everyone. For people with oily or normal skin, the daily use of moisturizer is a must. But, the moisturizer is ineffective for extremely dry skin as it isn’t capable to hydrate the skin that much. The dryness in the skin can be natural or seasonal also. But, in either case, the moisturizer will be of no usage. 

The moisturizer is ideal to be used on the skin when it is slightly wet so that it can seal the moisture easily on the face and provides the required nourishment. It moisturizes the skin in a balanced manner and can be used as per various measures like a light moisturizer, moderate moisturizer, and heavy moisturizer. Both oil and water-soluble nutrients can be delivered in a balanced mixture for effective results. There are various misconceptions about the moisturizer that needs to be cleared as well like they penetrate deeply into the skin and provide the protection as of oils. But, these are only myths. 

Hopefully, till here, it must have been clear that the three mentioned products differ in a lot of ways and yet are similar in some concerns. So, instead of getting confused and keep on using the wrong product on your skin, choose the one that suits best for your skin type and provides effective protection and results. All is required that the three products must be used in the right order to get the most effective and promising outcomes.

We have also described how to use them and most importantly what not to do in the name of the skincare. All three products have their usage and are most likely to benefit if used correctly. As per the ideal routine, begin with a cleanser, serum or face oil, and a moisturizer in the end. These simple steps can be the perfect way to achieve prominent results and benefits. Choose the right brand for all three products and start using them in your daily basis skincare routine.

Happy Reading!!

12th Jul 2022

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