
What is a Deodorant Wardrobe, and Do You Need One?

What is a Deodorant Wardrobe, and Do You Need One?

Choose the best deodorant for your odor type and be confident wherever you go. Feel refreshed and keep your skin away from microbes with deodorant or antiperspirant.

Usually, we find people discussing their dress, shoes, accessories, and cosmetic wardrobe. Further, many people use the items in their closets on various occasions to look or feel good. Usually, you may like to wear ethnic dresses during festivals or marriages. However, trendy and appealing dresses while visiting discos, parties, and other happening places. Mostly, you do all these because you want to make every event memorable and impress others.

Similarly, your odor plays a crucial role in deciding your overall personality. Moreover, many people are unaware that even in different instances, body odors differ. For example, when you feel anxiety, face interviews, meet strangers, involve in fights, and other unexpected situations, suddenly your body produces a unique odor of sweat. The smell of sweat most differs according to the events because of which it occurs. Hence, it would be best to have a deodorant wardrobe to combat your unwanted body odor in various situations.

Evidently, you cannot imagine a day out without deodorant, right? This is almost everyone’s case. Therefore a deodorant can be the best thing to gift your favorite ones.

Result View Original Types of Sweat

Before we create a wardrobe, let's begin to understand sweating, as there are a few primary reasons for which we sweat. The first and the foremost reason of sweat is the rise of the body temperature/blood and secondly the environmental changes around. According to NY City-based dermatologist Dr. Hadley King, in such cases, the autonomic system a nervosum signals eccrine sweat glands to supply sweat to chill the skin and help bring the blood heat down.  It is said that the stress sweat is different from that of the sweat as it activates the adrenaline, cortisol, and other related stress hormones which then activate the apocrine sweat glands and produce the stress sweat.

Deodorant vs. Antiperspirant

In the world of sweat care, you would like to understand the difference between the available options. According to a famous New York City-based dermatologist, Antiperspirants reduce the moisture content on the surface of the skin as they contain aluminium-based salts which control the sweat glands. These are best utilized in the evening when sweat levels tend to be at their lowest, but they do not lower the quantity of sweat produced."

On the opposite hand, deodorants don't address skin moisture but instead neutralise odour. There are a majority of people that choose deodorants over the antiperspirants depending on the sweat situation or the climatic condition.

Why Have a Deodorant Wardrobe?

In addition, now to the question at hand: why spend time curating a deodorant wardrobe? Different circumstances can involve a unique approach to picking your sweat protection for the day. As per the environmental condition the skin need to stay either dry or moist. If you're nervous during a few meetings, you will need extra protection because your apocrine glands kick in and may create plenty of stress sweat on your palms, feet, and underarms. Therefore, you require that pleasant-smelling can in your wardrobe that can suit your type. Mind having more than one cans? You are all set to slay in any situation.

Types of deodorants

While there are many products to choose from, here are the most common ones to pick.

  • Spray deodorant

Speed deodorant formula gives a quick refreshing feel and goes clear without residue. For best use, apply a thin layer of deodorant on the armpit and let it dry—the best product to use after the gym or before your special hour.

  • Antiperspirant deodorant

This product cannot only remove odor-causing bacteria but prevents you from sweating. Hence it is the best product to control smell and wetness at the same time. The formula is the same as antiperspirants. For best use, apply at night. Reapplying in the morning gives you added freshness.

  • Roll-on deodorant

If you want your order and to be handy, a roll-on deodorant works well. The product comes in a portable bottle that glides smoothly on your skin and dries fast like an aerosol. As roll-on deodorant is water-based, forget those nasty white spots!

  • Gel deodorant

If you don't want to reapply deodorants or carry them, go for gel deodorant with you. As it sounds, gel deodorants contain a clear gel with a thick consistency. It provides you with a long-lasting and complete coverage formula. The applicator tip or twistable dial releases the gel.

  • Invisible solid deodorant

The formula and consistency are similar to a standard solid deodorant that appears clear rather than white. It makes you smell nice without leaving marks.

  • Solid deodorant

These deodorants contain an opaque and smooth formula that pictures the feel of creamy bar soap. It slips onto your armpit smoothly. These products can leave white residue on your skin.


  • A deodorant changes your skin's pH that helps to get rid off bacteria.
  • Antiperspirant based deodorant blocks sweat glands to remove wetness. This blocking is temporary hence it does not harm your skin.
  • They come in different formulas like gel, sticks, creams, and sprays hence you get the flexibility to choose.
  • It removes unpleasant smells and keeps you smelling nice the whole day.
  • Deodorants are not very strong in small hands. You can use it for decent and formal purposes like interviews.
  • They are easy to apply and keep you fresh.

Which deodorant to use?

This factor entirely depends on your lifestyle and personal preference.  If you are someone who is involved in too much physical activity, you tend to sweat more. Hence you require suitable. Hence antiperspirants keep you dry and fresh while preventing odor. However, if you don't sweat too much and need something to neutralize odor only, a deodorant works well.

Those who have sensitive skin should look for a deodorant that is free from irritating chemicals and fragrances.

The best time to apply deodorant or antiperspirant

Of course, you can not apply deodorant all day. Hence, you need to know the best time to enjoy the product’s benefits, benefits of the product.

The best time to use antiperspirant deodorant is in the morning just after the bath. This time your body is clean and slightly weight making it a perfect place to absorb the product evenly. Hence you can include it in your morning routine to keep fresh and dry all day long.

But those who sweat excessively should use antiperspirant or didn't before climbing to bed. Yes, at night! Because your boarding gets enough to absorb the product appropriately. Consequently, it blocks your sweat glands. Thereby, you have one less thing to remember in the busy mornings!

How to apply deodorants?

To get the best out of your deodorant collection, you need to know the correct way to use it.

If it's a spray deodorant or antiperspirant,

  • Scrub and clean your armpits properly.
  • Wait for a few minutes to dry them.
  • Shake the deodorant vigorously and keep it 15 cm away from the target area (armpit).
  • Spray for 2-3 seconds straight on each armpit so that the entire area is coated with the product.

If it's a roll-on deodorant antiperspirant,

  • Scrub and wash your armpits thoroughly.
  • Take the deodorant or antiperspirant in your hand and roll on it on both of your armpits evenly.
  • Make sure it has covered the whole of your armpits.
  • Wait for a few minutes and let the product dry, then dress up.

Note that two to three swipes of deodorant on each armpit is more than enough if you want to avoid overdoing it.

When to know that you are overdoing?

It's the most frequent question of deodorant users. Excess of anything is wrong. This holds true on deodorant as well.

The only golden rule to find out you are using different correctly or overdoing it is - white marks! Check if your clothes have white marks on them or not. If you notice white patches while wearing clothes or taking them off you are putting too much deodorant or antiperspirant. The solution?

Reduce the amount and let your skin absorb the product completely.

Why stains?

You are taking off your black t-shirt and finding white sweat stains there. You cannot blame the sweat alone. The antiperspirant you are using can be the culprit.

Wait! Before you toss off the product in the trash, read the label. It can be a deodorant alone and not an antiperspirant.

Deodorant combats bacteria that causes odor and prevents sweat from escaping.

As antiperspirant has aluminum, chloride salt is acidic in nature, it bonds with your sweat glands. These ingredients are prone to cloth staining.

If you encounter a fabric stain, rinse it off with cold water just after removing the cloth. You don't need to use a stain remover or the stain can become permanent.

If it's a delicate fabric, pre-soak your cloth in ammonia water solution as ammonia being alkaline in nature neutralizes the acidic stain.

However, if it is the fabric that requires dry cleaning care, be alert. You don't need hand washing but prefer a local dry cleaner shop to remove stains at the first shot.

The best prevention to avoid all these issues is to use the anti-perspirant at night. Hence you can save much time in the mornings and prevent yourself from the stain removing process.

When doesn’t it work?

The brand new didn't, or antiperspirant you have bought from your favorite store may not work if you are not using it the right way.

As mentioned earlier, you should let the product dry completely.

Few people apply deodorant to clothes, just like perfumes. It is a big NO! Technically there is no point in using the deodorants onto the clothes. They are meant to be used on the skin. This is because the product won't minimize the bacteria on the skin, nor will it reduce the sweat amount.

Also, if you are using an expired product, the Roll-on won't work. Honestly, a Roll-on, if you regularly use deodorant, will end up earlier than its expiry date. But, here is the catch! Roll on deodorants has a shelf life date just like other skincare products.

On the other hand, expiry dates do not apply to spray deodorants and antiperspirants. Cool, no?

Risk Factors

If antiperspirants have aluminium based ingredients, there is a fear among users that it can cause cancer. No antiperspirants are not cancerogenic.

Here is why,

From the research study of American cancer society, aluminium of antiperspirants has no connection with cancer because they have observed the tissues of breast cancer well. They found that the tissues do not contain more aluminium than normal tissues.

Few more research studies of 2002, 2006 and 2016 systematic review supports the common result that antiperspirant doesn't cause cancer.

Final Thoughts

It's not unreasonable to possess a deodorant wardrobe filled with antiperspirants, natural options, and traditional sticks to battle differing types of sweaty situations. However, there are a few things to consider.

The bottom line: you do not necessarily get to cultivate a deodorant wardrobe. When it involves sweat care, consistency is vital, and switching between types and formulas harms more than reasonable. Instead, find the merchandise that most closely fits your needs, then rest assured knowing you're keeping your sweat production more stable by simplifying your routine.

Do you have one of your types of deodorant? If not, which one are you going to buy?

For more body care stuff, stay connected!

12th Jul 2022

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