
Skincare myths that are hurting your skin

Skincare myths that are hurting your skin

Here are some busted common skincare myths that people falsely believe to be true. Keep on reading to know what these myths are and the real facts behind them.

Healthy, glowing, and age-defying skin is something that everyone desires to have, which makes it obvious why people often adopt extreme measures and treatments in the wake to look younger. From high-end beauty products to undergo surgery, they'll do everything that is in their power. But all the skincare tips and tricks you hear or read on the internet are not always true. There are so many prevalent common skincare myths that people believe and include in their skincare routine.

While some home remedies and tricks actually work magic keeping your skin healthy, many of these myths can lead to hurt your skin. That’s why we’ve come up with the common skincare mistakes people make and the real fact to bust the skincare myths. Keep on reading to know if you've been unknowingly believing one or more common skincare myths to be true.

No sun means no sunscreen.

People often tend to believe that they do not need sunscreen on a cloudy day. It's one of the many common skincare myths. But the truth is that your skin may still suffer sunburns after a prolonged outing on a cloudy day. It is because your skin is always exposed to harmful UV rays, regardless of whether the sun is out or not. Apart from sunburn, you may also experience increased wrinkles and dark spots, etc.

That's why it doesn't matter if it's shiny out there or not. You need to wear sunscreen whenever you go out at any time of the year. Besides, try using sunscreens that have broad-spectrum SPF as they can protect you from harmful UVA and UVB sun rays. Don’t make common skincare mistakes, and wear sunscreen every time you step out of the house.

Oily skin doesn't need moisturizer.

The tendency of the skin to hold moisture varies from individual to individual. Therefore, people that have better skin moisture barriers seem to have oily skin. But it doesn't mean that external factors like dirt, pollution, UV rays, etc., hit them differently. As a matter of fact, not applying moisturizer on oily skin can increase grease accumulation on the skin. Why? Because external factors can damage the moisture barrier of your skin. It leads to loss of moisture and increased oil production; the end result is even shinier and greasier skin.

Never believe this common skincare myth, and start using a water-based, lightweight moisturizer if you feel regular moisturizer makes your skin look exorbitantly oilier. It will restore the lost moisture and provide long-lasting hydration.

Natural is always good.

The first and foremost thing, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recognize the term "natural" to be defined and thus does not has regulations against the same. While many big brands proudly highlight their product for having natural ingredients, they never mention how these ingredients make their product healthier than other products. It is a common skincare myth that every product labeled "natural” is good for your skin. Moreover, many harmful chemicals are derived from natural ingredients. As such, if you feel skin irritation or any other issue, it is probably due to such components. It is recommended that you see your dermatologist in such an event and use products as prescribed by them.

Exfoliate everyday

Exfoliating, undoubtedly, does wonders for your skin. It removes dead skin cells and makes your skin look glowing. But over-exfoliating your skin daily can negate all the associated benefits. Don’t make common skincare mistakes and exfoliate your skin only when necessary. Besides, the tendency and frequency to withstand exfoliation vary from person to person. While some people can handle daily exfoliation, others may need it only once or twice a week.

Therefore, do not believe the common skincare myth of daily exfoliating your skin. Instead, visit your dermatologist and follow their recommendation and instructions for effective exfoliation.

You can go to bed with makeup on once in a while

No matter how pretty the makeup makes you look or how tired you are, it is pertinent that you take off the makeup before hitting the bed. But wearing makeup to the bed once in a long while cannot be so bad, right? Unfortunately, your makeup can mix with the dirt particles, oils, pollutants, and debris that have accumulated on your face throughout the day. It can clog your skin pores and cause acne and other skin-related problems. As a matter of fact, the prolonged habit of wearing makeup to bed can have many adverse effects on your skin and make you look older.

Don’t fall prey to common skincare mistakes. Make sure that you walk that extra mile and remove your makeup before you finally call it a day. You can use a makeup remover or a makeup remover towelette to save some time and effort.

Skincare products should be age-friendly

While age is a vital factor that affects your skin and its quality, it does not have to do anything with selecting your skincare products. Many big brands advertise their product to be specially engineered for the people belonging to a certain age group, do not believe such false claims and promises. It is essential to understand here that “age” is no skin type. In fact, a 50 years old individual has similar skin concerns and issues as of 30 years old.

People in their 20s can still have skin issues like dry and dull skin, whereas people in their 50s can still have great skin. Your skin type is majorly driven by your lifestyle and eating habits and not the kind of skincare product you use. That's why never believe in the widespread common skincare myth of “age-friendly” beauty and skincare products. Instead, choose your skincare products based on the type of your skin and not your age.

Your age will outrun acne

One of the widely believed common skincare myths and misconception is that acne is a teenage thing that does not affect adults. Well, not necessarily. Acne is more prevalent amongst teens due to hormonal surge, but in no way it means that breakouts spare adults. Medical conditions like PCOS, hormonal change, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, etc., can cause acne among adults. Fortunately, there are innumerable remedies and treatments available to comprehend and treat acne effectively.

Another common misconception associated with acne is that dry skin causes acne in adults. Unfortunately, the two are not related in any way at all. Acnes are caused by blocked skin pores and accumulation of excessive sebum therein. Acne is something that grows beneath your skin and is not caused by external elements like dirt, bacteria, etc. 

Evade the common skincare myths

There are literally thousands of skincare myths and misconceptions apart from those debunked above. It is essential for you to adhere to proactive skincare solutions and evade common skincare myths. After all, your skin is the largest organ of your body. First, you have to first understand what your skin likes and what ingredients you must avoid for keeping allergies and irritations at bay. Therefore, take out some time and visit your dermatologist to discuss your skin problems and come up with the best skincare routine. Your skin is worth it!

12th Jul 2022

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