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Ancient Nutrition

Men's Fermented Multi

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Heads up, guys! This is especially for you—a Men’s Multi Made from Whole Foods, Organic Herbs and Fermented Vitamins.

Here’s a positive trend when it comes to guys and their health, there’s been more emphasis on men’s health.

However, a few years back, a national survey reported that nearly 70 percent of men find it easier to care for their cars than they do for their own health. If that’s you, then it’s time to start your nutritional engine—and keep it revving!

You see, I believe it’s never too late to start focusing on your health, and one way to “cover your bases” nutritionally is to consider taking a quality multivitamin and mineral supplements.

Well, guys, look no further.

I’ve formulated a multivitamin and mineral supplement in real food, fermented form, and here’s some of what’s in it for you:

Men’s Fermented Multi Offers:

  • Nutrients from Real Food and Fermented Herbs
  • Vitamin D
  • A specially formulated Organic Men’s Botanical Blend
  • Biotin
  • Chromium
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin—a highly absorbable, active, natural form of B12—like the B12 in the body). Vitamin B12 is known as the “memory vitamin,” and is water-soluble, so it needs to be replenished.
  • Along with vitamin B12, other B vitamins (B Complex) to support healthy energy levels.†

Why a “Fermented” Multi?

Fermentation is an ancient process used to break down food into more absorbable components. During the fermentation process, microorganisms use aerobic and anaerobic metabolism to convert food compounds into powerful metabolites. Here are some key benefits of fermentation:

  • Fermentation pre-digests nutrients and beneficial compounds into more accessible and bioavailable forms.
  • During fermentation, key vitamins are increased, particularly B vitamins.
  • In some instances, fermentation can actually make certain foods more edible and more digestible, such as roots, leaves, nuts, tubers, seeds and grains.
  • Fermentation can increase the presence of probiotics in the food.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the vitamins and minerals in my Men’s Fermented Multivitamin Capsules, including vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, iodine, zinc and selenium. 

Dr. Axe Men’s Fermented Multi also features an Organic Men’s Botanical Blend, with a blend of beneficial botanicals, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Black Pepper Fruit, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Turmeric Root and more.

    Guys, Here’s Why Men’s Fermented Multi May Be a Great Place to Start When Focusing on Your Health

    In a perfect world (and no dietary off-roading), our diets should provide all the nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, we require daily. For many Americans, however, the diet consumed isn’t nutritionally adequate.

    For example, nearly two-thirds of the standard U.S. diet is made up of unhealthy fats and refined sugars with low or no nutrient density—providing calories but not the amounts of vitamins and minerals needed, including vitamins A, B Complex, C, D, E and the minerals calcium, magnesium and zinc. For men in particular, many come up short on vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B12, potassium and iodine.

    So, if you’re among those who would say two-thirds of their diet is less than stellar nutritionally, then the remaining one-third of the average diet must somehow compensate for what is lacking. The fact is that the rest of the diet is probably not from nutrient-dense food either and cannot possibly fully meet a person’s nutrient needs.

    One great way to get more vitamins and minerals into your diet is to include nutrient-dense, real foods. Unlike our standard American diet, nutrient-dense foods can deliver a vitamin-packed and mineral-packed wallop.

    As an added step, you can add daily multivitamin capsules to help support adequate nutrient intake.

    So, here’s what I believe is a good start for focusing on your health: begin with a quality men’s multivitamin. Whether you’re interested in bodybuilding, or just want to enjoy the everyday benefits of closing nutritional gaps, the right multivitamin may be an essential step on your path to success.

    If you’re game, go ahead and give my Men’s Fermented Multi a try. It’s Non GMO, is made from real food and fermented herbs, and is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of men.

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