Muscle Synergy tablets are used by natural physique athletes who are striving to achieve more dramatic muscle pumpsand maximize exercise-induced gains in muscle size and strength.*
Distinguishing features of Muscle Synergy include:
** Over 8500 mg total of arginine + citrulline to support healthy nitric oxide (NO) levels, vasodilation and blood flow.*
** Combine with Up-Lift and Quadracarn
Nutritional uses of HMB are licensed to Beverly International Nutrition under US Patents #5,348,979 and #6,103,764.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Figure 1. The Four Factors enhanced by Muscle Synergy supplement technology. All four factors interact synergistically to determine your average muscle-building signal strength.
* Damage Control (Factor 1): Whether you're training for the first time ever, coming back from a layoff, or trying a different workout approach on for size (literally or figuratively), it involves a period of adjustment during which muscle damage and soreness, loss of performance, delayed recovery and impaired muscle-building signal production can result. With ingredients clinically proven to safely and powerfully enhance damage control, Muscle Synergy can ease or shorten the length of your adjustment period, accelerate recovery, keep your motivation higher and amplify gains.
* Loss Prevention (Factor 2): Muscle is hard to gain and easy to lose at any age. Even 3 days off from training can raise levels of the muscle-building signal "blocker", myostatin. In 10 days, half of training-induced muscle gains can be lost. Losses like these aren't abnormal. They're a fact of life. But they can be reduced or prevented with help from ingredients in Muscle Synergy. One of them is so powerful it increased lean mass in the arm of subjects wearing a cast!
* Work Capacity (Factor 3): Work capacity refers to how much force your muscles can generate over a given period of time. Like poor damage control and loss prevention, a low work capacity reduces your ability to generate strong muscle-building signals. It also means you can't burn as many calories or lose as much fat while working out. The list of complications stemming from a low work capacity is a long one indeed.
* Pump (Factor 4): The pump is perhaps the most critical determinant of muscle-building signal strength. Its underlying components help maintain your muscle mass far beyond the gym, however. By supporting vasodilation, nitric oxide (NO) production, and the hydration and structural integrity of your muscle cells, Muscle Synergy helps you maximize the components of the pump and boost your average muscle-building signal strength 24/7.
Don't make this mistake! (Millions do.)
Damage control, loss prevention, work capacity and pump. Millions of people overlook these four factors every day. Few are aware of their underlying components, the interactions between them and their muscle-building implications. Don't follow the herd and make the same mistake. Enhance your four factors by ordering the Muscle Synergy supplement technology today. Experience the body-transforming power of synergy.
For maximum results:
** Take 8 tablets in the morning and 8 or more tablets before workouts.
** Athletes weighing more than 200 lb should take a total of 24 tablets (1.5 servings) daily.
Country of Origin: United States of America
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Beverly International