COFFEE, BUT FOR GUT HEALTH- Upgrade your daily brew to 3-in-1 SUPERBREW Coffee + Superfood + Probiotic, which is a Best Probiotic formula for health & wellness! Each serving of our Superbrew Coffee contains 1 Billion CFUs of heat-resistant Bacillus Coagulans Unique-IS2 friendly bacteria, that are designed to survive the hot temperatures of your daily brew and harsh gastric system to help balance your gut, energize your body, and boost immunity Made of 100% high quality Arabica beans instant coffee. Enjoy Superbrew instant coffee as a hot latte, cold frappe or just simple black, a rich coffee tasting experience that is beyond compare This artisan roasted coffee is crafted with natures best superfood ingredients like organic cinnamon, nutmeg, Clove and Ginger Powder to help you stay sharp and focused anytime of day FAST TO MAKE: Tastes like a fresh brew, fast like instant. No wait, no lines, no machines !! Our recommendation for a great cup of Superbrew Coffee is 1 tsp (2 gm) of The Tea Trove Superbrew coffee for every 4 fl. oz. (120 ml) of water. Add a splash of coconut milk or almond cream to make it even more soothing
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: The Tea Trove