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Dose & Co Dairy Collagen Creamer Vanilla. Premium vanilla-flavour bovine collagen powder creamer. 10g high-quality collagen per serving. No gluten, preservatives, artificial colours or GMO. A dose of the good stuff! Love a creamy coffee to start the day? What if we said you could enjoy bovine collagen at the same time? This Dose & Co Collagen Creamer transforms plain old coffee into a rich, creamy, vanilla-flavoured treat to start your day off deliciously. Each serving provides you with 10g of high-quality collagen powder. Collagen is a major component of your hair, skin, and nails. As this affordable collagen powder has an indulgently creamy vanilla taste, it will feel like a treat more than a supplement. If you feel like experimenting, you can also blend it into smoothies, yoghurt, ice cream, and other recipes easily.
This item is non-returnable unless faulty. For details of your rights to return or cancel, please refer to our returns policy for full details
Product Code: NI554MQ
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Dose & Co Collagen