
How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Eco-Friendly

How to Make Your Beauty Routine More Eco-Friendly

We all know that saving and nurturing the planet is the need of the hour. And you can do a small bit in favour of this cause by only making some changes to your beauty and skincare routine.

Now you might be wondering how your beauty products hurt nature? So, it's not your product that will harm the environment, but it's the packaging of your product! But you can effortlessly change it by making some tiny changes in your skincare and beauty routine. Look for products with green, eco-friendly, and sustainable packaging. Incorporate recyclable products into your routine and avoid the products that contain harmful chemicals and do not have recyclable packaging.

Being close to nature is true bliss, and the best way to keep your skin healthy and to glow for a longer time is by adhering to the natural and eco-friendly skincare routine. Here are five ways you can make your beauty routine more eco-friendly.

Simple is Subtle

For a start, you can begin with simplifying your skincare routine. And to do, it would be best if you start to ignore what the beauty advertisements tell you. Lesser products are better for your skin; stick to the basics of skincare. A good skin cleanser, moisturizer, toner, and sunscreen are enough to keep your skin safe and healthy.

Using the product in smaller quantities is also an effective way of simplifying your skincare routine. Don't go haywire while using a product; using a more considerable amount of product isn't going to make any difference. It is wiser to use products in smaller amounts, as it enables you to use the product for a longer time. Plus, make sure that you have used the product entirely before throwing it away.

Another way you can simplify your skincare routine is by using multi-use beauty products. It will reduce the cost and waste generation out of your skincare routine. For instance, you can get an all-in-one makeup stick you can use on your cheeks, eyes, and lips. Also, you can get a multipurpose moisturizer that can be additionally used as a sunscreen.

Recycling is Cool

Recycling is one of the best ways you can protect the environment without having to compromise with your beauty routine. To begin with this, you can start buying eco-friendly & sustainable makeup tools that are made from natural materials like bamboo or wood. Plus, you can use synthetic bristles brush instead of the ones with animal hair. You can also help nature by using energy-saving hairstyling tools like blow-dryers and hair straighteners.

Another great way of making your beauty routine more eco-friendly is to buy and use products with minimal/ recyclable packaging. For example, you can switch to bar soap over a body wash to avoid plastic wastage. Some beauty brands also recycle makeup products from brands other than theirs if you drop them off. Some brands like Lush and MAC will give you a free product on recycling their old used products. Recycling is easy yet beneficial; look for the chasing arrows symbol on the package of the product you buy.

Better be Safe Than Sorry

While they tell you that they use all-natural ingredients in their products, it may come in handy if you read the product label before buying it. Most of the beauty products do contain natural ingredients, but they still have toxic chemicals alongside. Read the labels and avoid products with petroleum byproducts like mineral oil, paraffin, petrolatum, etc. And if you get an allergy or cannot decide what will suit you best, you can always make an appointment with your dermatologist.

Another way of employing a natural, healthy, and eco-friendly beauty routine is by making your skin treatments at home! Yes, you read that right. It is the best way of ensuring that whatever goes into your beauty product is completely safe, healthy, and organic. Plus, it will help you effectively reduce the waste outcome. You can effortlessly make shampoos, toners, and face masks at home.

Know your Products

Shimmering packaging and some striking unreal promises that's how beauty products approach you. But in reality, these cruel chemical infested beauty products will harm your skin in ways you cannot even imagine. It, therefore, becomes pertinent to know the composition of the beauty products you use. Prolonged exposure to some toxic contents may even increase the risk of you getting a disease as severe as skin cancer. With people being more aware of the risks associated with chemical beauty products, it has become a need time to find a healthy and eco-friendly skin healthcare routine.

Moreover, the toxic residual waste of these products and non-recyclable packaging harms the environment in negative ways. So, what can you do to repair your skin and environment? Read the labels! Yes, reading the formulation and ingredients of your beauty product can help a lot. It will enable you to steer away from beauty products with toxic contents and non-recyclable/ biodegradable packaging.

Save Water

We cannot live without water, we all know that, yet we waste gallons and gallons of water for a task as simple as brushing our teeth! Learn to turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth, wash your face, or use the sink for whatsoever reason. For each minute you keep the tap turned off, you can save as much as four gallons of water! Another way of cutting down on your water usage is by spending less time in the shower. You can try switching regular long hot water showers with a short shower consisting of hot and cold water. Not only will this help you save a significant amount of water, but it also brings you a lot of health benefits like better blood circulation, healthier skin, better hair, and energizing you.

You can also resort to reducing shampoo usage by monitoring how frequently you wash your hair in a week. If you wash your hair more than three times a week, you are over washing them! It will wash away your hairs' natural oils and make them look drier and frizzier, leaving the scalp's residue. Wash your hair twice or thrice a week as it will help them retain their natural look. Also, you can intermittently use a dry shampoo between the shampoo cycle to reduce grease in your hair. Reusable wipes and washcloths can also help you save some water and exfoliate the dead cells away from your skin.


Keeping your skin and hair healthy without hurting nature isn't as difficult as it may seem at first. All you have to do is pay a little attention to the ingredients and packaging of the beauty product you will buy while making a few changes in your daily skincare routine. Adopting an eco-friendly beauty routine will not only help the environment to sustain, but it will also keep your skin happy and healthy even at a later stage of your life. So, do your bit towards the environment without compromising with your makeup; switch to an eco-friendly beauty routine now.

12th Jul 2022

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