
Collagen - What Is It and What Is It Good For?

Collagen - What Is It and What Is It Good For?

Collagen is one of the protein categories that are available in abundance in our bodies. These are available in most of the bones, muscles, skin, tendons, etc. and hence are a very crucial element for health factors. These are the substances responsible for holding the body together and frame the strength and structure of the human body. 

Collagen comes in two major categories - Endogenous Collagen and Exogenous Collagen. While the former is natural collagen other one is synthetic collagen. Endogenous ones are synthesized by the body and Exogenous ones are provided from outer products like supplements. 

If we check the importance, Endogenous collagen offers various important functions in our body while the other one is helpful in fulfilling medical and cosmetic purposes. Exogenous collagen is responsible for the repairing of tissues in our body and Endogenous collagen helps in various health problems like breakdown and depletion. 

Collagen: Definition

Collagen is a hard structured protein that is insoluble and fiber-loaded. The importance of Collagen can be understood by the fact that they contribute to one-third of the total protein in the body. The sturdy protein structure can be even stronger than some steel. The collagen has different molecules packed together to form long and thin fibrils. 

Collagen has multiple benefits and providing support to structures is one of them. They act as an anchor cell to other cells in the body and provide much-needed strength and elasticity in our skin and bodies. In total, there are a total of 16 kinds of collagen available in our bodies, out of which 80% to 90% are from the first, second, and third types. 

All these types have different structures and functions of the body. These are highly strong and comes with specific flexibility and can be stretched. These are stronger than steel. 

Role Of Collagen In Our Bodies

In the human body, collagen comes from various cells but among connective tissue cells. These are mainly found in the extracellular matrix. An entire network of macromolecules forms up the Collagen and determines the specific properties of body tissues. A macromolecule itself contains a huge number of atoms. 

As the person’s age grows, the collagen gets weaker and this causes wrinkles on the face. Hence they play a vital role in maintaining the age factor in a person’s life. So, these are highly considered if you want to avoid the problems of wrinkles and cartilage. These are present in multiple skin layers like the dermis and middle layer of skin. Collagen is also involved in replacing the dead cells and restoring the same with the new ones. The network of fibrous cells formed due to collagen is known as fibroblasts. These networks are behind the formation of new cells as well. 

Collagen is the protective layer covering the delicate organs in our bodies like kidneys. The level of collagen is higher at a young age and keeps on reducing as the age grows. The collagen keeps on decreasing in older people and that leads to the weaker structure of the skin. Hence, as result, you face the problem of wrinkles and cartilage. Most women start facing the concern of collagen reduction after menopause. It has been seen that the person reaching the age of 60 has the very least amount of collagen and that is pretty normal for humans. 

Uses Of Collagen 

Collagen is highly useful in the field of medicine and cosmetics. It is resorbable and can’t be broken down. Neither the same can be absorbed nor converted back into the body. The collagen can be created into solids or gels. The gels are somewhat like lattice. Collagen occurs naturally in our bodies and hence can be used for multiple medical purposes. It brings a diverse scope in the clinical fields and research. The collagen can originate from a variety of creatures like humans, pigs, cows, sheep, etc. 

Skin fillers

The injection of collagen into our bodies can keep the skin healthy and improve its contours of the skin. These can be highly effective in handling depressions. The skin fillers have a collagen level that can be used for cosmetics as well. You can try to remove wrinkles and fine lines from the face. The skin fillers are also seen having an impact on the scars of the face. But make sure they do not have any sharp edge as it cause more damage. 

The skin fillers are also sourced from humans as well as cows. But, before applying collagen or skin fillers from the cows, you must go for skin tests. This will avoid any sort of future skin allergies in our bodies. You can use collagen to fill any sort of skin volume. If the gaps are higher, they can be filled using the substances like fat, silicone, implants. 

Wound dressing

The collagen is helpful in wound dressing and cure. They can help in healing the wounds and new skin cells get attracted to the wound site. Hence the healing process gets boosted and this becomes a new platform for tissue growth. The collagen can help in healing serious wounds that do not provide certain results with any other treatment. It can help in curing wounds that release body fluids like urine, sweat, etc. There are certain wounds that get rotten with time. Collagen proves very helpful in this scenario along with different tissue wounds. 

The partial thick wounds, second-degree burns, grafting problems can be cured using the collagen supplement. Collagen is beneficial in treating burns and dressing is not applicable for third-degree burns. The wounds can also be in some sensitive areas and collagen from cows won’t prove helpful in such cases. 

Guided tissue regeneration

The collagen-based membranes are available in our body that is used in the growth of specific sort of cells in our body. These are included in various implantation therapy. These can help in the healing process and are unbreakable. The collagen barrier membranes do not need to be removed after surgery. They can stop the fast-growing cells. In oral operation, the tooth problem gets enough time to regenerate rather than pace growing of gum cells to cover up the mouth. Collagen membranes act as a barrier here. 

Vascular prosthetics

Collagen tissue from donors is applicable in peripheral nerve regeneration and in vascular prostheses or arterial reconstruction. The collagen prostheses process is found to be compatible with the body, there is even certain process that can cause coagulation of blood and are thrombogenic.

Collagen plays a vital role in the treatment of osteoarthritis. When we supplement the collagen, they are more likely to maintain the bacteria level in the body and treat osteoarthritis. The treatment is irrespective of collagen self formulation or supplements. As per the review in the year 2006, the collagen supplement was proved to decrease body pain and start improving joint functions. These were the serious problems with osteoarthritis. It is presumed that once the supplement is absorbed in the body and accumulated in cartilage, it helps in the rebuilding of the extracellular matrix. 

Skin revitalization

There are various creams available for face use that claims to be improving the collagen levels but the same doesn’t seem to be working at all. Collagen molecules are big and won’t pass through the skin. These creams and powders also claim to improve skin revitalization in the body externally through the skin. But, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the collagen particles and is incorrect. 

There can be certain effects of the moisturizers having collagen on the skin, but certainly collagen level is not going to be increased in any way. Neither do they involve the decrease of collagen levels? We should not consider such treatments as medication or drugs. No scientific proof is necessary for these products. But, again caution and results depend on the type of product and other factors as well. 

Preventing collagen loss

There are certain ways to stop the collagen levels in the body along with its growth. One such way is treating skin marks with laser treatment. It can increase the growth of collagen, elastin, and melanin. Keeping a healthy diet routine helps in preventing collagen loss. Maker sure to keep in-taking the below-mentioned nutrients like: 

Proline - found in eggs, meat, wheat, cheese, cabbage, etc. 

Anthocyanidins - found in all sorts of berries. 

Vitamin C - found in oranges, strawberries, and broccoli.

Copper - found in nuts, meat, and drinking water.

Vitamin A- found in animal-derived foods. 

Major Benefits Of Collagen In Human Bodies 

Although, collagen is found in abundance in our body and yet there are a lot of people who are not aware of the benefits. As per various expert doctors, collagen can be found in bones, skin, tendons and digestive systems, blood vessels of our bodies. It keeps the healthy nails and stronger joints and keeps them joined with each other. Consider it as a glue that keeps the joints hold together. 

You can find a long list of benefits of having the right collagen levels in the human body. Out of which, we have narrowed down some of the prominent ones below and these are much more than just looking good: 

  1. It improves the quality of hair and skin and makes and stronger as well. The teeth and nails are also improved with collagen. The lower level of collagen can cause stretch skin marks and wrinkles. In many cases, cellulite is responsible for lower collagen levels in the body. 
  1. Leaky gut is a problem in our bodies that allows the toxins to pass from the digestive tract and reach entire body parts. This is a very serious issue and often creates havoc on the whole body. Collagen helps to repair the problem of leaky gut. Actually, they seal the intestines and assist indigestion. They also help in curing the problem of inflammatory bowel diseases. 
  1. The collagen reduces joint pain and serves in rebooting the strength in our bodies. They are anti-inflammatory and many works like serving for smooth functioning of skin and body. The pain and swelling in joints is the cause of low collagen in the body and it plays a vital role in helping tendons and joints glide smoothly. 
  1. Collagen is very helpful in providing relief in the osteoarthritis pain in our bodies. The same has been proven by the college of medicine in Chicago. 
  1. Collagen helps in improving metabolism and mass in bodies. The amino acids and glycine are present in the collagen and they provide the necessary energy to the body. They convert glucose into energy and strengthen lean muscles. Having more lean muscles are not a healthy body as they consume a lot of calories instead of fat and make it weaker. In such a case, it is advised to intake Vitamin C tablets along with collagen to speed up the process. 
  1. It helps in supporting liver functioning and various detox systems. Glycine available in collagen protects the liver from any unforeseen problem and repair as well if occurs. 
  1. It helps the heart and cardiovascular health of humans. Like glycine, there are other elements available in collagen that are also helpful. Proline is one of them. It helps in repairing arteries and reduces fat deposits as well. Collagen has also shown a considerable reduction in blood pressure in the body. 

 How Can You Maintain Collagen Levels?

There are certain ways to supplement collagen in our bodies. You can start taking high collagen quantity foods with a regular diet. The high protein food items can also help in increasing collagen levels like chicken, fish, eggs, etc. Bone broth is also an amazing way to maintain collagen in your daily diet. 

You can even find the collagen supplement on market. Intake them as a powder or capsule and maintain the necessary collagen levels. The powdery substance can be dissolved in tea or water or soup. Hence, the ideal choice is to maintain the collagen levels in the body. Once you have followed the above-discussed approach to start gaining the health benefits.
12th Jul 2022

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