

​The Importance of Healthy Hair in Beauty

​The Importance of Healthy Hair in Beauty

Having healthy and vibrant hair is a key element of overall beauty and self-confidence. While skincare and makeup routines are often in the spotlight, the significance of healthy hair should not be overlooked. In this blog, we'll explore why maintaining the health of your locks plays a crucial role in enhancing your beauty.Aesthetic Appeal:Healthy hair serves as a striking element that enhances one's overall appearance. The natural shine and luster it exudes contribute significantly to a polishe …
4th May 2024
Tackling Hair Loss by Using Lasers for Hair Regrowth

Tackling Hair Loss by Using Lasers for Hair Regrowth

What are lasers and how did they get involved in the world of hair regrowth?Lasers are a powerful tool for hair regrowth. They provide a quick and efficient way to remove layers of damaged hair from the scalp and stimulate new hair growth. Lasers use light energy to create heat, which is then used to damage the hair follicle and break it down into smaller pieces. This process helps in the growth of new hairs. The first laser was invented by accident by Dr. James Ritty in 1960s while he was tryin …
21st Oct 2023

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