
Bad Beauty Habits & How to Break Them

Bad Beauty Habits & How to Break Them
Do you know that using bad quality makeup or not removing makeup for a long time can actually result in skin diseases?

Come on! Let’s know how to break them.

No person would purposely try to mess up with their body. But, due to a lack of proper knowledge people end up with bad beauty hacks which will eventually lead to skin breakage, early aging, rashes, allergies, and others. So, it’s better to gain some knowledge regarding bad beauty habits and break them as soon as possible.

But old bad habits can’t be given up so easily. That’s the reason why we have recruited a group of professionals to not only explain the adversities of bad beauty habits but also to break those habits once and for all.

Here, we will be discussing 11 bad beauty habits

Sleeping with makeup on for a night

      Our skin on the facial area is much sensitive and prone to infection and irritation when compared to the skin on other parts of our body. So, sleeping in makeup even for one night will increase the risk of blocking oil glands and sweat pores. This leads to skin breakage and irritation.

People tend to forget to remove makeup before sleeping or else they might feel lazy to go to the bathroom and splash water and remove it. So, for your convenience keep a packet of wet facial wipes next to your bed so that you can avoid skin problems and you don’t even need to get up from your bed. 

A bath pouf

Using bath pouf is less beneficial than it causes harm to our skin. Usually, bath pouf exfoliates your skin and stimulates blood circulation in your body. The bath pouf keeps hanging in our bathroom for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years which gathers a lot of bacteria. But, did you ever notice we don’t tend to wash them properly ever. Bath poufs are to be replaced every two to three weeks.

Instead, you can replace the bath pouf with silicone scrubbing pads or a soft washcloth. They are much useful and less prone to bacteria when compared to bath pouf.

Avoid touching your face

On daily basis, you touch a lot of things with your hands and touch your face with those hands without washing them. This will cause a lot of acne and irritation in your skin.

If you are habitant to touch your face now and then try to use a cloth. Make sure it’s a clean cloth.

Licking lips

Avoid licking your lips when dry. Licking your lips with your saliva may cause a lot of inflammation. Licking your lips with saliva may moisture your lips for a certain amount of time. But, once the saliva evaporates the lips will dry up even more. Licking your lips occasionally may not cause problems. However, consistent licking could dry out lips and lead to peeling and chapping.

To avoid your lips from peeling and chapping, apply a thick layer of any petroleum jelly on your lips regularly before going to bed. Vaseline would be a good option. But, nowadays there are many flavored lips balm available in the market which helps in moisturizing lips.

Or else you can even use a home remedy to solve this problem. Apply a mix of sugar and honey on your lips and rub over gently. Leave it on for a five minutes and wash it off with cold water. This helps in exfoliating your lips. Try this at night before applying petroleum jelly or a flavored lip balm.

Rubbing your eyes

Rubbing your eyes frequently may cause a lot of irritation in your retina. It will cause redness in your eye and inflammation as well. There might also be chances of an increase in eye power. Try to splash water in your eyes are using a clean cloth or tissue gently to relieve any irritation.

Washing your hair daily

Washing your hair on daily basis leads to dryness in your scalp and hair. It removes natural oils from your scalp and increases frizz in your hair. It also leads to its breakage and split ends. If your hair length is short then it’s fine to wash your hair daily. But, those will longer hair can wash their hair every 2-3 days. If you are involved in physical activity or traveling to a humid place then you need to wash more frequently. If you have styled your hair you can avoid washing it for a longer time. Make sure you have cleaned your hair thoroughly before styling it so that it can last for a longer amount of time.  

Avoiding regular haircuts

When it comes to keeping your hair length long people avoid chopping hair. But, it’s important to cut your hair regularly to keep it healthy. Chopping your hair every six to eight weeks can keep up from slip ends, breaking and damaging. Once you start facing split ends your hair will start thinning.

So, if you trim your hair regularly it will help in growing your hair thicker, stronger, faster, and healthier. 

Refrain from tanning

People in the west think tanning is cool. No, it isn’t, until and unless you avoid burning. According to research, it is said that tanning is a sign that skin has already been damaged. Sometimes even tanning leads to skin cancer and premature aging.

So, try to protect your skin from UV rays by apply sunscreen on exposed areas on regular basis. And more importantly, try to cover your skin by wearing full-length clothing and put on your sunglasses before leaving your home.

Skipping Serums

 The most common skincare mistake is not using serums with sunscreen. Research says that applying high SPF sunscreen can protect your skin from damage only up to 50-60%. Avoiding serums can lead to wrinkles, anti-aging, brown spots, dull texture, and even skin cancer sometimes. The serum acts as antioxidants. Applying both sunscreen and serum is the most effective way of avoiding anti-aging.

Usage of dull razor blades

           Generally, we tend to use the old and dull razor blades for a longer time. According to dermatologists, it will lead to cuts, bruises, and irritation. In such a case, try to keep your razor blade sharp by storing it in a dry place after every use, which can be prevented from rusting and decreases the chances of bacterial and fungal infection. It’s also essential to rinse your razor thoroughly after every glide. If not the soap or shaving cream will dry up in between the blades making them rustic and dull.

Brushing on wet hair

        In earlier days, people use to comb their wet hair but never realize the damage that would cause to their hair. If you want you can brush your hair or detangle with a wide-toothed comb to work with a good conditioner. Wet hair breaks more without any difficulty because it is more fragile and weaker. It is prone to be overstretched.

Allow your hair to air dry 80 percent of the way without using any hairdryer. Try to use a clean and dry brush. Clean them at least once a month with a mixture of warm water and baking soda. Try not to rough-dry hair with a help of a towel. Instead, gently press the water out with a cotton cloth.

12th Jul 2022

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