Lion's Mane Extract - 30% Polysaccharides 100% Mushroom Extract Quality You Can Trust NON GMO Our Lion's Mane is proud to be NON GMO. Just like the food you consume, it's equally as important that the vitamins, herbs and minerals you put in your body are free of toxic chemicals and biotechnology. GMP Rest assured that each bottle contains only the highest pure grade of quality ingredients. Manufactured in a state of the art facility that uses innovative-patented technologies, each formula contains a certificate of analysis proving that what you see on the label is in fact, in the product. Proudly Canadian Our Lion's Mane has been issued a Natural Product Number (NPN). It is also owned and operated by a Canadian company that has been manufacturing health products for over a decade.
Key Features:
HIGHEST DOSAGE - Our 1100 mg serving of 100% Lions Mane Extract is the highest available and enhanced with 30% Polysaccharides, the active extract to support Immunomodulating properties.
TOP QUALITY 30% POLYSACCHARIDES LIONS MANE - Our capsules are comprised of 100% pure Lions Mane extract powder mushrooms. The powder is extracted using a state-of-the-art hot water method to ensure maximum possible nutrient retention. Our Lion's Mane mushroom supplement is Non-GMO and gluten free, without the use of harmful additives or fillers
IMMUNOMODULATING PROPERTIES - Lions mane mushroom is often called Natures Nutrient for the Neurons.
PROUDLY CANADIAN Our Lions Mane Extract is owned and operated by a Canadian company and has been issued a NPN. Rest assured each bottle contains only the highest pure grade of quality ingredients. Manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility that uses innovative-patented technologies, each formula contains a certificate of analysis proving that what you see on the label is in fact, in the product
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Focus Fast