Long Term Use Of Florastor Is Not Associated With Complications. Florastor Transits Through The Digestive Tract Attaining Steady-State Levels That Are Maintained Throughout The Administration Period.
Key Feature:
• Florastor can be taken with or without food. Biocodex Inc. Does not recommend taking Florastor in conjunction with anti-fungals. Research has shown less than 1% of patients report constipation or thirst
• Restricted diets-florastor has 33 mg lactose it is proven to increase Lactase production, which helps with the digestion of lactose. It is a gluten free Dietary Supplement. Note: Florastor may contain traces of soy
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Florastor
Key Feature:
• Florastor can be taken with or without food. Biocodex Inc. Does not recommend taking Florastor in conjunction with anti-fungals. Research has shown less than 1% of patients report constipation or thirst
• Restricted diets-florastor has 33 mg lactose it is proven to increase Lactase production, which helps with the digestion of lactose. It is a gluten free Dietary Supplement. Note: Florastor may contain traces of soy
Country of Origin: USA
Manufacturer/Importer/Packed By: Florastor