17 Myths and Facts About Going Gluten-Free
What is Gluten-Free
Gluten-free diet is one of the most popular diets in recent years. It has been on the rise since the last few years. It is found in baked goods and other foods that contain flour. Going gluten-free means cutting out gluten from your diet.
1) Gluten-free food is expensive
2) Gluten-free food will make you lose weight.
3) Gluten-free food tastes like cardboard
4) Going gluten-free means you must give up your favorite foods, like pizza, bagels, and pasta
5) Going gluten-free will make you feel bad about yourself because you can't eat what everyone else eats
6) You need to eat lots of vegetables when going gluten free
7) You won't be able to find anything on the grocery store shelves that's gluten free or low in carbs
8) If you go gluten free, then your kids will be eating a lot of junk food too
Here are some Myths & Facts About Going Gluten-Free
Myth 1: Gluten causes diabetes
Fact: There are no studies that show that going gluten-free will reduce your risk for diabetes or obesity. It doesn't make sense to go on a diet if you don't have a health condition to start with.
Myth2: Gluten-free food tastes worse than the original product
Fact: Gluten-free food has a similar taste to the original product because it uses different ingredients that are more flavorful.
Myth3: People with celiac disease should eat only gluten-free food
Fact: People with celiac disease should eat a diet that contains all types of food without any restrictions. Gluten is good for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack itself because it has mistakenly identified itself as gluten. Celiac disease causes inflammation of the small intestine and affects how the body digests food. In non-celiac gluten sensitivity, there is no cross-reaction to gluten (gluten doesn't cause a reaction).
Breakfast: Gluten-Free Yogurt with Fruit Breakfast Bar and Orange Juice
Lunch: Grilled Chicken, Quinoa with Vegetables and Balsamic Vinegar Dressing, Steamed Broccoli, Apple or Fruited Squares.
Dinner: Herbed Fish Fillets, Celery Root Puree with Peas and Pits
Myth4: Going gluten-free is expensive.
Fact: Going gluten-free doesn’t have to be expensive. You can find lots of recipes for gluten-free foods that are healthy and delicious.
Myth5: Gluten-free food is too expensive to eat as a vegan or vegetarian.
Fact: There are many vegan and vegetarian recipes for going gluten-free that are healthy and delicious, like these quinoa burgers with avocado cream sauce!
Myth6: Gluten sensitivity is just a fad diet.
Fact: Gluten sensitivity is something that affects many people around the world, including athletes, celebrities and even politicians.
Myth7: Gluten-free diets are healthier than those that include gluten.
Fact: All dietary studies have shown that there is no difference in the health benefits between a gluten-containing diet and a gluten-free diet. Exercise is a key part of maintaining good health. Gluten-free diets are healthy choices that can improve the quality of life for sufferers of celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Myth8: Gluten is bad for everyone.
Fact: Gluten is not bad for everyone. It's only bad for people who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Myth9: Gluten makes you fat.
Fact: The idea that gluten makes you fat is a myth based on outdated studies from the 1960s that were conducted with rats, not humans. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, but it persists today because people don't know what else to think about this idea when they hear it repeated over and over again by celebrity diet gurus or their friends who have lost weight on a diet, they said was healthy but also eliminated all grains and breads from their diet.
Myth10: Going gluten-free means you won't get enough nutrition
Fact: People who go gluten-free do not need to worry about getting enough nutrients because they get their nutrients from vegetables, fruits, and other non-gluten sources.
Myth11: You can't eat bread anymore
Fact: There are many gluten-free breads on the market that taste just like regular bread.
Myth12: Gluten can cause weight gain
Fact: Gluten doesn't make you gain weight. It's not a high protein diet that makes you put on pounds. It's just that it doesn't contain a lot of carbohydrates which is why people tend to feel fuller after eating gluten-free food.
Myth13: Gluten is bad for your health
Fact: The jury is still out on whether gluten is good for your health or not since there hasn't been enough research done yet to conclude. the fact that it contains proteins makes it more difficult for the body to absorb nutrients from food so it might be harder for people with celiac disease to consume enough nutrients from food if they go gluten-free
Myth 14: Gluten-free means you can eat anything you want
Fact: There are many restrictions on what you can and cannot eat when you go gluten-free. Some foods are off limits while others, like bread, might have to be replaced with something else.
Myth15: Going gluten-free means I can eat anything I want
Fact: The gluten-free diet does not mean you can eat anything you want. It means that you should avoid eating foods that contain wheat, barley, rye or any other grains that contain gluten. For example, breads and pasta are off limits on the diet.
Myth16: Going gluten-free means eating nothing but vegetables
Fact: There is no such thing as "going" on a diet where all you eat is vegetables because it's just too much work! You also need to consume protein sources like lean meats and eggs to stay healthy on this type of diet.
Myth 17: Cutting out gluten means cutting out carbs
Fact: Cutting out gluten does not mean you have to cut out carbs from your diet. You can still eat pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, and other types of carbohydrates if they are made without the use of wheat or any other type of grain that contains gluten.
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